

Kung Fu Festival Honors Bruce Lee




1. kick off: v. 開始

2. legendary: adj. 傳奇的

3. martial art: n. 武術

4. Czech: n. 捷克

5. warrior: n. 戰士

6. philosophical: a. 哲思的

The first international Kung Fu festival in Hong Kong has kicked off, 36 years after the death of Bruce Lee, a legendary Kung Fu movie icon. More than a thousand martial artists from 19 different countries are expected to participate in the event.


Although Kung Fu has taken different forms over the past three decades, many people who practice the sport still claim Bruce Lee as the original and the best.


[Jana, Competitor]: (Female, Czech)

“Bruce is the first. He is number one. No one is as good as him. That’s my opinion. I have read his book. He is not just a warrior. He is very intelligent, very philosophical.”


In mainland China, Lee’s old movies are a popular choice among martial arts fans and have a significant influence for most Chinese.


[Xiao Qing, Competitor]:

“When we were practicing Kung Fu, a movie called ‘The Legend of Bruce Lee’ hit the TV. A lot of people watched it, and discussed about him.”


Fans also push to preserve and protect Lee’s legacy.



7. legacy: n. 遺物

8. withstand: v. 經受

9. significance: n. 意義、重要性

10. demolish: v. 毀壞

11. wax figure: n. 蠟像

12. bare-handed: a. 赤手空拳的

13. rare collections: n. 珍藏

[Wong Yiu-keung, Hong Kong Bruce Lee Club]:

“I’m relieved that his house is still around more than 30 years after his death and we can still preserve it. Having withstood the test of time, Bruce Lee’s significance and honor have become clearer. Of course, if Bruce Lee’s house had been preserved earlier, that would be even better. But now it’s not too late. At least the house hasn’t been demolished and we can still restore it.”


An exhibition for Bruce Lee also opened in a shopping center in Hong Kong. Lee’s life size wax figure and rare collections were on display.


The festival, which is scheduled to continue until early August, aims to promote and develop Chinese martial arts, through holding a number of bare-handed and armed martial arts competitions.


