流行美語 第310課

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【大紀元10月28日訊】李華來公司找Larry,兩人一起去吃午飯。今天我們要學兩個常用語: icy和warmed up to.

LH: Larry, 今天上班忙嗎?

LL: Well it has been alright all morning, but I am kind of nervous about this presentation I have to make this afternoon.

LH: 不就是做個演示嗎,又不是第一次,你有什麼好緊張的?

LL: The client who I am presenting to is somewhat icy towards me.

LH: Icy? 你是說那個客戶對你特別冷淡?

LL: Yes, she is very cold and icy to me. I hope that I can impress her with my presentation.

LH: 別擔心,有些人生性冷淡,可能並不是針對你。上學期跟我一起做項目的一個男生就特別icy.

LL: And…in what ways is he icy?

LH: 他從來不笑,就連他在臉譜網頁上的照片都是一臉苦相,好像別人欠了他的錢。別人跟他說話,他就瞪著別人,沒有一絲表情。

LL: That guy sounds like an icy character. How did you deal with having to work with him?

LH: 還好我們是一組人,不光我們兩個。大家分配好工作,他用了一個週末,就把自己份內的事情做好了。

LL: That’s good. He may have been icy, but he sure was efficient.

LH: 一個學期下來,他臉上總算有了笑容,but for a long time he was very icy towards us.

LL: Hopefully my presentation will get through to today’s client.

LH: 肯定沒問題。我發現,有些人對人冷淡,其實是因為他們自己不擅長社交。

LL: I hope you’re right. The last thing I want to do is offend one of our clients.

LH: 你唯一能做的就是做好份內工作,對客戶格外客氣。這樣,即使她對人冷淡,可能還是會對你有個好印象。

LL: Thanks, Li Hua, that is great advice. I am going to go now, wish me luck.

LH: 加油!



LH: 你今天下午的展示做得順利嗎?

LL: It went really well! I was nervous that the client would be icy towards me, but she seemed to really enjoy the presentation. I think she really warmed up to me.

LH: Warmed up to you? 你是說那個客戶已經對你不再冷淡,開始喜歡你了嗎?

LL: Yes, that is exactly right.

LH: 你覺得她逐漸對你熱情起來,是因為你今天下午的表現嗎?

LL: I don’t know Li Hua. I hope so. I think it went really well. She really seemed to be enjoying it by the end. At first she seemed very icy, but when I was done she had warmed up and was smiling.

LH: 太好了!我就說過吧,她冷淡不是針對你。就像我們項目小組的那個男生,經過一個學期的合作,熟了以後就從冷淡變得熱情了。

LL: Often when someone seems icy, it just takes a little time for them to warm up to you.

LH: 沒錯。那個客戶對你的表現很滿意,是不是說訂單有戲了?

LL: I hope so. That would definitely make the executives warm up to the idea of me being on the team.

LH: 是啊,沒準老闆一高興,還會給你漲工資呢!

LL: It’s possible. Say, Li Hua, have you seen this show called “The Street”?

LH: 我特別喜歡看。What do you think?

LL: Well at first I didn’t really like it, but after watching it a few times, I have warmed up to it.

LH: 這麼說,不僅可以warm up to一個人,還可以warm up to一件事情嘍?

LL: Yes Li Hua, because I gradually came to like the show, I warmed up to it. This is just like how the icy client warmed up to my presentation.

LH: 我明白了。那你開始的時候為什麼會覺得這個劇沒意思呢?

LL: When I first started watching it, I found the characters to be a little bit annoying, especially that one icy man. Over time, though, I have warmed up to them.

LH: 我同意,戲裡面的一些角色是不太招人喜歡,可以劇本寫得很棒,扣人心弦。

LL: The plots of the episodes are what caused me to warm up to the show.

LH: 你看,快八點了,今天是星期三,正好要播出一集新的。

LL: Let’s watch it then!

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是 icy, 意思是冷若冰霜。另一個是warm up to, 意思是逐漸開始接受和喜歡。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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