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China’s Railway Sees Heavy Pressure Due To Snow Disaster During Spring Festival Travel Peak


BEIJING, CHINA – JANUARY 30: Passengers line up to buy train tickets at the Beijing Railway Station during the ‘Chunyun’ or Spring Festival travel season, on January 30, 2008 in Beijing, China.


China’s railways are expected to transport over 178 million people during the the ‘Chunyun’, known as the largest human migration in the country annually, which runs from January 18 to March 2 this year.


1. 主要子句:China’s railways are expected to transport over 178 million people during the the ‘Chunyun’,

2. 分詞片語:known as the largest human migration in the country annually,

3. 形容詞子句:which runs from January 18 to March 2 this year.

Affected by the snow havoc that hit over 14 provinces this year, the railway transportation faces heavy pressure, with tens of thousands of passengers.


Snow havoc就是snow chaos, snow woe, 也就是snow disaster之意。Havoc本身就是混亂chaos的意思。本句的結構是:分詞片語+主要子句+介係詞片語。分詞片語中又含有一個that 所引導的形容詞子句,that是關係代名詞,就是代表snow havoc。

分詞片語擺在句子的最前面,其主詞就是主要子句的主詞,在這裡就是the railway transportation,如果我們將此句分解成三個句子,則是:

1. The railway transportation is affected by the snow havoc.

2. The snow havoc hit over 14 provinces this year.

3. The railway transportation faces heavy pressure, with tens of thousands of passengers.


Snow Havoc Stranded Passengers In Guangzhou Railway Station


Railway station workers keep order among the passengers stranded in the Guangzhou Railway Station on January 29, 2008 in Guangzhou of Guangdong Province, China.


The worst prolonged snow, rain and cold weather period in five decades has hit about 14 provincial level regions in China, killing at least 24, affecting nearly 78 million people with the direct economic losses of over 22 billion yuan so far.


The snow has paralyzed air, rail and highway traffic, stranding tens of thousands of passengers on their way home for the Spring Festival. Among them, over 150,000 people were stranded in the Guangzhou Railway Station.

