
流行美語 第215課



Larry 告訴李華他連續幾天給他哥哥打電話,可是總也找不到他。 李華會學到兩個常用語:phone tag和chit chat。

LL: Argh! I just got my brother’s answering machine AGAIN. I’ve been playing phone tag with him for days.

LH: 你和你哥哥playing phone tag?那是玩什麼?有電話有關的遊戲嗎?

LL: Well, not exactly, but it is like a game of tag.

LH: Game of tag不就是小孩子們玩的捉人遊戲嗎?就是,大家跑,一個人追。被追到的人再接著去追別人。我們小時候都玩過這個遊戲的。

LL: Right. I’ll give you an example of how phone tag works. On Monday, I called my brother and left a message on his answering machine. On Monday night, he called me back, but I was out so HE left a message.

LH: 我也碰到過這種情況,上星期我打電話給一個朋友,他不在,我就留了言。他給我回電話的時候,我又不在,所以他留了言。 這樣互相留言好幾次,誰也找不到對方, 真是像捉迷藏一樣。Phone tag這個詞太生動了。

LL: Yes, and this game of phone tag with my brother has been going on for three days! I’m getting pretty tired of it.

LH: 你們這樣phone tag已經三天了, 你為什麼不給他寫email,發電子郵件呢?

LL: I know, Li Hua. Next time I call, if I get his answering machine again, I am going to tell him exactly when I am at home. That should solve the phone tag problem.

LH: 對,你告訴他你什麼時候在家,讓他到時候 打過來就行了。 你還可以給他寫email發電子郵件呀。 這可比打電話要省事多了。

LL: That is a good idea, but I like hearing his voice. It makes me feel closer to him, and I really don’t mind the phone tag too much.

LH: 那倒也是。通話和寫信畢竟不一樣。 我雖然也用email,可還是常給我爸爸媽媽打電話。

LL: I guess it would be pretty frustrating and expensive to play a game of long distance phone tag from China.

LH: 一般都是我每個星期在固定的時間打電話回家,因為從中國打到美國價錢比較貴。 So I don’t play phone tag with my family.

LL: Maybe I should try that with my brother. I’m sure he is tired of playing phone tag, too.


LH: Larry, 你那麼急著找你哥哥,有要緊的事嗎?

LL: No, not really. I just want to chit chat.

LH: Chit chat是什麼意思啊?

LL: To Chit Chat is to talk about general things that aren’t very important. I don’t really have anything specific or urgent to talk about.

LH: Chit Chat就是閒聊。那你和你哥哥平時都閒聊些什麼呢?

LL: We chit chat about what is going on at work, what we’ve been doing for fun lately, and even about the weather.

LH: 嗯,聊工作,生活和天氣,看來你們哥倆的關係很不錯嘛。 我也喜歡和家人聊天,特別是和我媽媽。

LL: Chit chatting can be pleasant, but some times it can be annoying.

LH: 是啊,有時候聊天不僅沒有樂趣反而令人煩惱,就好像昨天我正忙著寫論文,我的朋友 Rachel 打電話來和我聊天。

LL: So, did you tell her you didn’t have time to chit chat?

LH: 一開始我沒好意思告訴他我很忙。 然後聊了一會兒以後我對她說我在忙著寫論文呢。

LL: I know Rachel. She really likes to chit chat. Did she get off the phone right away, when you told her you need to work?

LH: Rachel的確很喜歡聊天。我說我要趕快寫論文,她還是不掛電話。真拿她沒辦法。

LL: Well, I have to say, Li Hua, I don’t mind chit chatting with you.

LH: 你也喜歡和我聊天?其實我也喜歡和朋友聊天。像現在這樣,邊喝茶邊聊,很放鬆也很有意思。 當然要作功課的時候就不能chit chat了。

LL: That’s right! I think it’s time for you to work on your paper, and I need to try to call my brother again.

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是phone tag,意思是打電話找人,可是來回好幾次,雙方還是沒講上話。還有一個常用語是chit chat,意思是閒聊。(http://www.dajiyuan.com)