
流行美語 第190課





LL: Whoa, Li Hua, don’t put so much detergent into the washing machine!


LH: 我放太多洗衣粉啦?那下回我就少放一些。對了,Larry,你剛才說whoa,那是西部牛仔經常說的話嗎?你剛才說whoa是甚麼意思呀?


LL: Li Hua, have you been watching Westerns lately? You are right. Cowboys say 「whoa」 when they want their horses to slow down.


LH: 原來我還真猜對了。在西部電影裡,那些牛仔經常會說whoa,就是要他們的馬兒慢下來。所以你剛才說whoa,就是要我慢點,別倒太多洗衣粉下去。


LL: Right. Whoa, Li Hua, look at all the laundry that guy just brought in!


LH: 等等,Larry,那個人是拿了一大包髒衣服進來,你說whoa是要他慢慢洗嗎? 你又不認識他,跟你又有甚麼相幹哪!


LL: No, this time I used 「whoa」 to express amazement. I was amazed at the piles of laundry that guy just brought it. 「Whoa」 is an exclamation and depending on how you say it, it can mean different things.


LH: 噢,這兒的whoa 是表示驚奇。你說了兩次whao, 可是意思完全不一樣。看來,這個whao 可以表達不同的意思。


LL:You’re absolutely right!


LH:Whoa, Larry,你沒有必要摺衣服摺那麼快嘛!我們還有很多衣服要洗,得在這兒等上好長時間呢!


LL: Hey, that was a good use of 「whoa.」


LH: 還是得謝謝你這位老師的指導啊!Whoa, Larry,你看到那個人換了多少硬幣要來洗衣服啊?


LL: The guy with all the laundry? He’s going to need a lot of quarters to do all of that laundry. Oh, hey, my next load of laundry is done. Let me take it out.


LH: Whoa, Larry, 你的白襯衫怎麼全變成粉紅色啦?


LL: I think you’ve mastered the use of 「whoa,」 Li Hua.


LH: Whoa, Larry, 我不過是用你剛教的常用語開開玩笑嘛。不過,你的白襯衣是變成粉紅色啦!



LL: Oh, boy, Li Hua, I made a big booboo.


LH: 你做了甚麼?A booboo?


LL: Yeah, a booboo means a big mistake! I left a red sock in with my white t-shirts and underwear. Now everything is pink.


LH: Booboo就是犯了個大錯誤。原來你把一只紅襪子丟進去和白襯衫一塊洗,怪不得現在它們都成了粉紅襯衫了。沒關係啦,Larry,犯錯誤的人多著吶,我昨天也犯了個大錯 – a booboo。


LL: What was that?


LH: 我啊,把錢包和鑰匙放在廚房的桌子上,走出家才想起來,所以就把鑰匙給鎖在家裏了。


LL: That was a booboo, all right. How did you fix your booboo?


LH: 還能怎麼辦,只好請鎖匠來開門。當然啦,就是得花錢,破財消災嘍!Larry,我來幫你把這些粉紅襯衫放到烘乾機裡吧!


LL: Thanks. Hey, Li Hua, do you see that kid over there with the booboo on his knee?


LH: The kid with a booboo on his knee? 你是說坐在那兒,那個膝蓋上貼繃帶的小孩啊?


LL: Yeah, I saw him fall down earlier and get a booboo. He just scraped his knee a little. He cried, but his mom cheered him up.


LH: 噢,你看到他摔下來,膝蓋受了傷啊?等等,Larry,這麼說,booboo除了指錯誤,也可以指受傷,對嗎?


LL: Right, but not a serious injury. . . Oh, Li Hua, watch out for the door of the dryer!


LH: Ow! 好痛噢, 我的手指給烘乾機的門夾到了。


LL: Oh, let me see. Look, you’ve got a booboo, too!


