
《中英對照讀新聞》Scientist extols power of silence 科學家讚揚寂靜的力量

【大紀元11月5日訊】自由時報 ◎俞智敏

Reclining against the trunk of a western hemlock tree, arms behind his head, Gordon Hempton listens closely to the quiet symphony of nature.


The rumble of the Hoh River in the distance. A winter wren’s trill. The chattering of a Douglas squirrel.


Perhaps more striking is what’s missing. There is no sound of airplane traffic, campground generators or overchatty hikers — all sounds that Hempton says are disturbing the peace at national parks across the country.


The abundance of quiet in this small spot led Hempton to place a small reddish-brown rock on a moss-covered log here last year, designating the remote spot in western Washington’s Hoh Rain Forest “One Square Inch of Silence.”


The acoustic ecologist’ s hope is that by protecting this tiny spot from man-made sound, a much larger part of the park will reap benefits.


“Quiet is going extinct,” Hempton said. “I wanted to find a quiet place and hang on to it and protect it.”



extol:讚美、頌揚。They were extolled as heroes.(他們被當作英雄般頌揚。 )

abundance:指充足、豐富。There were deer in abundance in these forests.(這些森林中有許多鹿。 )亦可作可數名詞,如 At the feast there was an abundance of food and drink.(宴會上有豐盛的食物和飲料。 )

reap :原指收割、收穫,如 The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field.(農民們忙著在田裡割稻。 )可引申為獲得、得到,如 Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year.(今年我們公司可能獲得巨額利潤。 )
