
流行美語 第128課



李華正在為朋友的生日party做准備,她生平第一次烤了一個蛋糕。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:from scratch和all set.

LH: Larry, 這是我烤的蛋糕,你嘗嘗。這可是我生平第一次烤蛋糕,不一定會好吃!

LL: Mmmm! This is delicious! Did you make this from scratch or did you use a cake mix?

LH: 你覺得好吃呀?太好了!哎,你剛才問我是不是make it from scratch? 那是什麼意思啊?我是照因特網上的一個食譜做的。

LL: Then you did make it from scratch. To make something from scratch is to make it yourself using all of the basic ingredients.

LH: 原來to make something from scratch就是自己用基本材料,從頭做起。是呀,我用雞蛋、面粉、牛奶和黃油做的。還有別的做蛋糕的方法?

LL: A lot of people nowadays use a pre-packaged cake mix with all the ingredients in it already, so it’s easier to make.

LH: 用事先調好的蛋糕粉那當然簡單多了。那多沒意思啊!自己把所有的材料准備好,從頭開始做,其實很好玩呢!

LL: Well, you should be proud of yourself. This cake is great!

LH: 謝謝,你說好吃我就放心了!對了,Larry,你有沒有自己烤過蛋糕?

LL: No, but I tried making chocolate chip cookies from scratch once.

LH: 自己做巧克力餅干啊?好吃嗎?

LL: They were awful because I forgot to put oil in them. After that, I decided that it was best if I didn’t try to make things from scratch anymore.

LH: 忘了放油!那餅干肯定會太硬。你一次沒做成功就決定下回不做了!你知道,做這種東西是試驗好多次才行。

LL: I know, but I’m not that patient.

LH: 嗨,要做好就得要有耐心嘛!


LL: All right, Li Hua. The cake is ready, the drinks are prepared, and the decorations look great. I think we are all set.

LH: We are all set? 這是什麼意思?蛋糕、飲料都准備好了,一切都布置好了。你的意思是一切准備就緒了,是嗎?

LL: That’s right. To be “all set” is to be ready for whatever it is you’re going to do. In this case, we are all set to have a party.

LH: 對,要舉行party的個方面似乎都准備好了。那我是不是可以說we’re all set to have fun at the party?

LL: If you’re ready to have fun, then of course you can say that. Hey, what about the music – is that all set?

LH: 音樂啊?沒問題!我把激光唱機和幾片激光盤全放桌上了。So it’s all set.

LL: Great! Now, I’m all set to eat more of that cake you made. It’s really delicious

LH: 不行,你現在還不能吃這蛋糕,要等做生日的人吹完蠟燭後才能吃的!

LL: I know. I was just kidding. Hey, do you have a place for people to put presents?

LH: 放禮物的地方啊?早准備好了!我在進門的地方有張桌子。大家可以把禮物和生日卡放在那兒。.

LL: Okay, since everything is all set, we can relax until the guests start arriving.

LH: 我早就准備好在客人來以前先休息一下。籌辦一個生日party 可真是夠累人的!

LL: Preparing a party isn’t that bad; it’s cleaning up afterwards that’s a lot of work.

LH: Party結束後,我想你一定會幫我收拾的。對不對?

LL:Of course!

李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是from scratch, 意思就是從頭做起。第二個常用語是all set, 就是一切就緒,准備好了的意思。
