

(加拿大國會議員 比爾-斯克薩)

【大紀元4月1日訊】(大紀元記者明智報導) 加拿大國會議員比爾-斯克薩近日寫信給加移民部長,要求考慮全球營救受迫害法輪功學員委員會(全球營救)提出的擔保孤兒來加拿大的計劃。









Bill Siksay, MP


The Hon. Joseph Volpe, PC, MP

Minister for Citizenship and Immigration

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1

February 18, 2005-3-26

Dear Minister,

I am writing to ask you to give urgent consideration to the request of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners (GMR) regarding their plan to sponsor 10 of the known children who have been left orphaned due to their parents』 persecution by the Chinese authorities.

I believe that the GMR has proposed a humane and compassionate solution to the deplorable conditions in which these innocent children into the have been left. Since your government has chosen to embrace China』s emergence into the global economy, it also has an obligation to those who have been left to suffer from china』s inexcusable violation of human rights. I urge you to ensure that your department takes the lead in making it possible for these innocents to come to Canada.

The GMR has arranged to provide financial assistance to these refuges, provided that the Canadian government will supply them with special visas to come to this country. This sponsorship will ultimately make this resettlement successful.

I believe that Canada must undertake this effort on behalf of the orphaned children of Falun Gong practitioners. I would urge you to develop a workable plan with members of the GMR that can be implemented without delay.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely Yours

Bill Siksay MP


NDP Critic for Citizenship and immigration
