

【大紀元12月23日訊】 我對從奴役的主人那裏購買便宜的商品感到厭惡。正因爲此,15年前我就停止購買中國製造的商品。











Buying goods from China means supporting slavery

It is repulsive to me to take advantage of slaves by purchasing goods from their masters. For that reason, 15 years ago I stopped buying Chinese-made products.

Recently, a Chinese national was published referring to China as “the world’s largest rogue state” and charged that the Communist Chinese government has in 56 years killed “80 million of her own people.” Why? We all know why: to enforce slavery. Has the torture, imprisonment and murder stopped? Not even China’s most ardent admirers suggest that.

I have too many dear Chinese friends to feel morally clean doing business with those who keep their people in enforced servitude. We in the free world must find better reasons for buying than “where is the cheapest price and best quality?” We need higher reasons for investing than “where is the greatest return?”

If Canadians support slavery, slavery will prevail �” in Canada as well as abroad. I am confident that we will be a happier, healthier and richer people when we return to doing business with our own neighbours at their small businesses, with craftsmen and nations who are culturing freedom and personal dignity �” as we all hope our own children will have the privilege of doing.

By the way, in order to put my money where my mouth is, I am willing to spend 30 per cent more for the things I buy. It also takes double or triple the time to shop. That means I now buy about half as much as I used to �” so it’s a win-win-win situation!

Interestingly, I have found that sales people are immediately friendly and co-operative when I ask for goods “not made in China by slaves.”

For peace on earth, good will toward men.

