

【大紀元7月11日訊】炎炎夏季來臨 ﹐紐約市52個室外游泳池開始免費開放。下面介紹幾個華人方便前往的室外游泳池地址。

在曼哈頓區﹐第一為Asser Levy Asser Levy Pl. and E. 23rd St.。第二為Carmine Clarkson St. and Seventh Ave. South。第三為Dry Dock E. 10th St. bet. Aves. C and D Hamilton Fish Pitt St. and Houston St.

在皇后區有Astoria 19th St. and 23rd Dr.和Fisher 99th St. and 32nd Ave.以及

Liberty 173rd St. and 106th Ave.

布魯倫區的Sunset Park Seventh Ave. bet. 41st and 44th Sts.﹐還有Howard Glenmore and Mother Gaston Blvd., East New York Ave.
