


Thanks and Answers 感謝和回答

A  Thank 感謝

Thank you. 謝謝您。

Thanks a lot. 多謝。

Thank you for your help.謝謝您的幫助。

Thank you. It was very kind of you.謝謝,您太好了。

I’m very much obliged to you.非常感謝您。

I don’t know how I can thank you enough.我不知道怎樣謝您才好。

You’ve done me a great favour.您幫了我大忙。

I don’t know what I should have done without your help.要不是您的幫助,我真不知道該怎麽辦。

B  Answers 回答

You’re welcome.別客氣。

Not at all.沒什麽。

Don’t mention it.不必謝。

It was a real pleasure for me to do it.我很樂意這樣做。

No trouble at all.一點兒也不麻煩。

Glad to have been of help.我很高興能給您幫個大忙。

There is nothing to thank me for.沒有什麽可謝我的。

Apologies,Regrets and Responses 道歉,遺憾和回答

Excuse me. 對不起。

—-Certainly. 請。

Oh, pardon me. 請原諒。

—-That’s quite all right. 沒關係。

Sorry. 對不起。

—-It’s nothing. 沒什麽。

I’m awfully sorry. 我很抱歉。

—-That doesn’t matter. 沒關係。

I’m afraid I have taken up too much of your time. 恐怕占用您的時間太多了。—-Not at all. 沒什麽。

It was terribly clumsy of me. 我太笨手笨脚了。

——No harm.不要緊。

Please excuse me for a moment. I won’t be long. 請原諒,我要走開一下,我馬上回來。

Excuse me for interrupting you. 請原諒我打斷您了。

I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. 對不起,但沒有辦法。

I hope I’m not disturbing you. 希望我沒打擾您。

Affirmative Expressions 表示肯定用語

Yes. 是的。

Of course. 當然。




Oh, yes. 噢,是的。

Very well.很好。


O.K. 行。


Splendid. 很好。



That’s true.那是真的。

Yes, to be sure.是的,沒錯

Quite so.的確是這樣。 

By all means.當然,一定。

Yes, indeed.是的,確實如此。

Negative Expressions 表示否定用語

No. 不。

No, thank you.不,謝謝您。

Certainly not. 一定不是。

I’m afraid not.我想不是。

Not quite. 不完全如此。

  I don’t think so.我想不是。

Impossible. 决不會是那樣。


I haven’t the least idea.我一點兒也不知道。

I can’t believe it. 我不相信。

Not in the least.一點兒也不。

Not yet. 還沒有。

By no means. 决不。 

Just the other way round. 正相反。

