

彰化芳苑一望無際長達六公里的海岸,保留傳統漁村風貌,因此也保住了「牛車採收牡蠣」的產業特色。 (鄧玫玲/大紀元)

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The Fishing Village  Hsu ChiCheng

A strand of fishlike smell blossoming vigorously, another strand of fishlike smell blossoming vigorously, permeates the sky. –It’s the special scenery of the fishing village. It flutters, likes a banner, no far of the sea side, nearby the port. The words of fishing village wrote on it.
It abodes alone silently, likes an unmarried village girl.
There are many invisible strings from fishing village spread to the sea. It’s neither the string for fishing, nor the string for flying a kite, It’s the string for missing. It’s the person of fisher’s home tied in the side of the fishing village, and tied the fisher on the side of the sea. The strings are unlimited in its length and elasticity, and toughness as well. Wherever the fisher is the string will spread to. The string will tie tightly and firmly whether it’s the typhoon, fierce spray, or raging wave. The string will relax and shrink as soon as the fisher comes back.

It’s so dark,
And wind is so big,
Pa goes to angling,
Why doesn’t he back home?
It makes me missing.

Children sing. And the wife of the fisher sings within her heart. It’s soundless! “The soundless is better than sounding”! It’s their worries, their feelings. They look forward with lean against the door, even what time it is, even in mending the net, even do home work, even in the dream, they are tie with the strings, transmitting the missing to the remote place, especially in mending the net:

“Look at the net,
Tears come to my eyes…”

It’s not only for the net is difficult to mend, for family livelihood, for fishing product may not harvest, it’s more for the worry, for the feeling, for the missing.
What are their worries? What are their feelings? May we know without words!
So, when we go to the fishing village, you must keep in mind, in spite of what the food is finished, you can never to turn over the fish, to eat the another side of the fish. It’s the great taboo. They may entertain people , make people feel great enjoyment, however, in any case you can’t turn over the fish to eat. In face, you turn is the fish, but what you turn is the boat in their mind. It’s desperately serious.

Pa is come back,
How many are the fish and shrimp?

Against is the children sing. The hope and happy are shining in the sound of singing, flutter everywhere.
The fisher is come back. He rises a spell of bustling, a spell of riot. The neibours all come here in order of this harvest. And then it follows the fullness and laugh heartily. And the fish village recovers to peace again, likes an unmarried village girl, abodes alone silently…@


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