

Pomegranate (Photographer: Jiayi Wang / epochtimes.com)

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Some red juicy (fotolia)
Some red juicy (fotolia)


誰說不是?只要炎夏一到,石榴便禁不住炎炎炙陽熱情的招請,盡情地綻放,綻放在 枝頭,綻放出它的如火熱情,炙熱逼人,回應炎炎炙陽的熱情,綻放出它的豔紅,如 一盞盞紅燈在綠原上高舉、照亮,持續幾近整整一個夏季……。

它那犬齒狀的花瓣,恰似少女穿著的裙邊,曲線玲瓏,包藏多少秘密?逗人多少遐思 ?具有多少男人心折拜倒的魔力?再者,古時婦女喜歡採摘它,搗碎研汁,塗布做裙 ,穿在身上,搖曳生姿,頓增殊多少女神秘魔力,使男人為之著迷傾倒。那就更富羅 曼蒂克情味,更具傳奇性,更寫意了。嗯,是的,誰都會想起這句話的:


待到秋日,石榴便結果了,一顆顆垂掛枝頭,仍然展現其豔紅,展現其照眼,展現其 神秘與熱情,裡面子多,真是多子多孫!爆裂時,正像一個蜂巢,一盤珍肴,一盤紅 蝦,任鳥雀前來啄食,引為大餐……。

凝聚,凝聚,再凝聚,儲藏,儲藏,再儲藏,蘊釀,蘊釀,再蘊釀,準備著要去作最 佳的表現……。



The Pomegranate     Hsu ChiCheng

“The pomegranate brightens the sight.”

Who says it not? Only hot summer comes, pomegranate can not bear the invitation of the enthusiasm of the hot sun, blossoms to its heart content, blossoms on the branch, blossoms into its fire like enthusiasm, hot presses everyone, responds the enthusiasm of the hot sun, blossoms its gorgeous, like a red lamp and a red lamp lifts and brightens on the green plain, successively almost whole the season…

The dog like teeth, just as the sideline of the skirt of the young girl, in carving the fine delicate, how many secrets does it harbours? How much far thought does it attracts? How many magic to admire by the men does it posses? More over, ancient women like to pluck it, break it into pieces, smear on the cloth to be the skirt, wear on, grace posture while wavering and swaying, add many secret magic immediately to the young girl, make men be fascinated and great admire. That is more romantic interest, more legend, more after his own heart. N, yes, whoever has heard this saying:

“Be fascinated and admired under the skirt.”

When autumn is come, pomegranate bears fruit, hangs on the branch one by one, still unfolded its secret and gorgeous, unfolded brightness, unfolded its secret and enthusiasm, many seeds within, it’s truly many offspring and descendants! When bursts, it just likes a honeycomb, a plate of delicacies, a plate of shrimp, for birds to peck, to be a gourmet meal…
Condense, condense again, and condense again, preserve, preserve again, and preserve again, brew, brew again, and brew again, it prepares to do the best show…

Oh, blossom eventually, eventually

Pomegranate, yes, in spite of flower or leave, all are gorgeous, all are enthusiasm, all are secret and attract great admire…@


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