





在枝頭纍纍垂掛著,那些荔枝,殷紅,碩大,圓渾,飽熟,甸實,一顆顆是真珠,一 串串是珠串。哇,「紅顆真珠真可愛」!

在枝頭垂掛著,那些荔枝,仿佛是一個個少女,醉飲了梅雨和陽光調成的雞尾酒,展 現出酡紅的笑臉,在枝頭迎風款款而舞。

在枝頭纍纍垂掛著,一顆顆,一串串,都沉重而欲下墜,垂彎了樹枝,越垂樹枝越彎 ,至將垂折。「唉,好重!」仿佛可以聽見荔枝樹這樣的嘆息。

拈取以來,剝開紅皮,把那包著的一層半透明瑪瑙膠的果子放進嘴裡,微酸甜甘的滋 味便立即漫向味覺器官,以舒適美味引出所有口中的津泉。





Litchi     HsuChiCheng

It’s the season for litchi to ripe once more. The litchis on the branches are almost ripeness, red in colour.

Wow! How many litchis are there! They hang leaps of cluster after cluster:

On grain, two grains, ten grains, hundred grains, thousand grains, ten thousand grains…

One cluster, two clusters, ten clusters, hundred clusters, thousand clusters, ten thousand clusters…

Hangs leaps on the branches, those litchis, red, large, round, full, the pearl one after another, the pearl one cluster after another cluster. Wow, “How lovable the red pearl”!

Hang on, those litchi like young girl one after another, drunk cocktail into intoxicated, appears the redden smile, faces the wind to dance sincerely on the branches.

Hangs leaps on the branches, one grain after another grain, a cluster after another cluster, are heavy being to dropping down, droop bent the branch, the more droop the more the branch bent, to be break. “ Alas, More heavy!” It seems the sigh of the litchi can be heard.

Pluck one, peel the red shell, put fruit included a layer of half- transparent gem into mouth, immediately the taste of little sour plus sweet roams over organ of sense of taste, leads out all of the saliva with dainty.

“A horse loads the man carry litchi made imperial concubine smile”, who says “no one knows it’s the litchi arrived”? Surely, it must be known by everybody.

Surely, it must be known by everybody, in spite of it hangs on the branch or is plucked:

On grain, two grains, ten grains, hundred grains, thousand grains, ten thousand grains…

One cluster, two clusters, ten clusters, hundred clusters, thousand clusters, ten thousand clusters…@
