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生命的成長,一步一個腳痕,足跡斑斑。其過程是艱辛?是甜美?如人飲水,冷暖自 知。許是艱辛的,許是甜美的,因人因物而異。也可能是有艱辛有甜美。艱辛和甜美 相互參雜混同。艱辛總是痛苦的,萎靡的,瘦弱的;甜美時則是快樂的,蓬勃的,碩 壯的,不管是艱辛是甜美,生命總在成長中趨向成熟。除非夭折;否則,當其成熟, 一切便是甜美的,香醇的,令人欣喜不置。只是,生命遞嬗,循環不止,有生有死, 有興有衰。生註定必趨向死。興註定必趨向衰。成熟過後,凋萎的景象是必然出現的。
這是宇宙萬物必循的定理。凡有生之物,不論壽命多長多短,誰也逃不過這個命定的 必然結果,抝不過這化育的律則。
不要只撫觸生命成長的痕跡,耽嗅生命成熟的甜香,要珍惜現在,在冬冷來臨前,揮 發自己!

Autumn leave  Hsu ChiCheng

The season is turned into autumn. As soon as the autumn wind blows, all sorts of leaves change their colours, some were wither and some will fall onto the earth…
This is the autumn leave.
From the autumn leave, we can touch marks the growing of life, smell the sweet mature of life, watch the scene the whither of life.
The growing of life, a step is a footprint, full of stains the footprints. The course is hardships? Or is it sweet? Only the man drinking the water knows whether it is cold or warm. May be hardships, may be sweet, it belongs to what person or thing. It also may be hardships may be sweet. Hardships and sweet mix with each other. Hardships are pain, dispirited, thin; sweet is happy, vigorous, magnificent, no matter hardships or sweet, life always tends to mature on the way of growing. Except die young; otherwise, when mature, all is sweet, fragrant and sweet, make us pleasure limitless. Only, life deliver, circles ceaselessly, will die as born, will whither as rise. Born doomed tend to be die. Rise doomed tend to be whither. Whither must be appeared after mature.
This is the theorem all things in the universe must follow. In spite of how long or short, all things alive, no one can escape this destined result bound to, difficult to break this law of growing and changing.
Autumn leave is more the model. It states the growing and mature of life with full face lubrication and wrinkle, forecast the withered.
Don’t only touch marks the growing of life, indulge in smell the sweet the mature of life, must treasure now, before the coming of winter cold, volatilize yourself! @


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