

Recollections of a Female Prisoner of Conscience in China By Yin Liping




11. The Evil Influence Lingers on


I returned home in the evening of August 10, 2001. My mother and relatives saw I was dying and called a private clinic on the phone. My younger brother immediately looked for Master Li Hongzhi’s lecture tapes and played them for me. I was in a stupor for – I don’t know how many days – and was given an intravenous drip. I regained consciousness some time later but still threw up everything I ate. I could only take some fluids to sustain life.


In less than a week, officers from the local Xiaoming Police Station and the neighborhood administration officer came to my house again to see if I was dead or alive. Then they told my mother and family that I was a “Falun Gong” diehard and was famous in the whole Liaoning province. The local Police Station and the Public Security Bureau were supposed to keep abreast of the situation of my kind of people, they said. My mother said to them, “My child was persecuted in six labor camps to the extent that she is at now. We haven’t sued you yet, Don’t you want us, the people, to live?” I told the police and street workers who came to my home what I insisted on and hold fast to belief. They had nothing to say and left quickly.


After they left, my mother said to me angrily: “We are finished. Once this big label is put on our heads, it is hard to take off. Isn’t this “anti-Falun Gong” movement [persecution] exactly the same as that of the Cultural Revolution? How did you provoke such big trouble for your family? Can your little arm wrestle that huge thigh? What happened to those students on June 4th in Tiananmen Square? They were shot by the Government! I was in the underground passage way near Tiananmen Square in Beijing at the time. I was able to hear the gun shots clearly. This is it, there will be no peace in this family from now on!”


Yin Liping and Son Before Being Persecuted

沒過兩天,調兵山的國保大隊長張福才,劉福堂率領一幫街道派出所的又來我家了,家裏的孩子嚇得不知哪裏躲藏,鄰居們也交頭接耳,那陣勢又有抓人之式,我媽媽嚇得不知如何是好。他們見我還是臥床不起,就對我媽說:尹麗萍現在這下可出名了,是遼寧省的重點人物了,是「法輪功」的一個頑固份子了,她的性質變了,還說了很多威脅的話。我媽媽說,這孩子「法輪功」都沒學幾天,功法都沒太學會。這你們都是知道的,怎麼在教養院呆二十個月就成了「法輪功」的頑固份子了呢? 她是被抬回來的,現在還沒脫離生命危險,這你們不也知道嗎?他們見我的身體狀況真的是不好就走了。

In less than two days, Diaobingshan’s State Security Captain Zhang Fucai and Liu Futang led a gang of police from the street Police Station to my house again. My son was in the house really scared – he didn’t know where to hide. Neighbors whispered to one another. The scene looked like arrests would happen again. My mother was so scared she didn’t know what to do. When seeing I was bedridden, they said to my mother: “Yin Liping is now well known, a key person in Liaoning province, and a stubborn “Falun Gong” member.” Her attitude changed and she said a lot of threatening words. My mother said, “This child learned “Falun Gong” for only a few days, didn’t even learn all of the exercises. You all know that. How could she become a die-hard “Falun Gong” member in 20 months in labor camps? She was carried home, was still in life-threatening danger. Don’t you also know that?” They saw my physical condition was truly pretty bad. They left.


In the days after that, the street workers and police from local Police Station often came to my home to harass us and claimed that they were just “taking a look.” Being helpless, I thought of Shenyang Dafa disciple Wang Jie who left me means to contact her when we were both in the underground Prison Hospital.. In order not to be arrested, I had to leave. My mother said, “Just flee for your life. But what to do with your son? No one could care for him like his own mother.” Looking at my son sound asleep, I was heartbroken.


In early September, I was destitute and homeless and came to Shenyang where I found Wang Jie, Wang was still alive but very weak, weighed less than 80 catty (about 40kg). Wang was very happy to see me and asked if I could guess who was also there? I said “Is it Zou Guirong?” She said yes. Zou was still alive ! I really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Tears streamed down y face from both laughing and. crying As it turned out, Wang also left her phone number with Zou. Zou couldn’t stay home either, Fushun State Security, the local Police Station, and street workers went to her house daily to harass her. There was no peace at her home.


Because we had not yet recovered, Wang found a relative’s house for us to stay. The two of them learned Falun Dafa and practiced exercises a lot every day but I could only lie there, listened to them reading the Fa. I couldn’t do the exercises because I was badly injured at that time. A few days later I was able to sit up for a while learning the Fa and practicing exercises with them.

到了瀋陽我才知道,原來監獄、勞教所的外面世界跟監獄、勞教所的區別也不太大,誣蔑法輪功的謠言鋪天蓋地,大法弟子被迫害的家破人亡,妻離子散,人人談「法輪功」而色變。我和鄒桂榮商量,先把我們被迫害的經歷寫出來曝光,然後告他們。不知是哪一天,瀋陽的趙素環找到了我倆,就這樣我們三個都寫好了上訴材料。 趙素環建議到北京去告。

A short time after I had been in Shenyang I learned that the outside world was not very different from the prisons and labor camps. Rumors that slander Falun Dafa blotted out the sky and covered up the earth. Dafa disciples were forced to be bankrupt and die, separated from wife and children. Everyone turned pale at the mention of “Falun Gong.” Zou and I discussed that we would first write down our persecution experience and then sue the authorities. I didn’t remember the date Shenyang’s Zhao Suhuan came to join us, so the three of us wrote appeals materials. Zhao suggested bringing an accusation against them in Beijing.


In September, the three of us came to Beijing with appeal materials. We were first interrogated, then followed, and finally arrested by Beijing police at our lodging. (I can’t remember where.) Our luggage was turned upside down. The three of us were interrogated separately. They found our appeal materials on which our names and addresses were written. They then went on the web to find information about us. I figured, since we were here arrested already, it was unnecessary to hide information. So I told the Beijing police that we were from the Northeast, were brutally persecuted, and forced to “transform,” etc. Then, I said to them, “It just so happens that we don’t know where to appeal. Now that we have met you, the police, you can point us in the right direction.” The police said, “You must make the accusation level by level. You can’t bypass ranks.” I asked, “You want us to bring the accusations to those who persecuted us?” They had nothing to say.


The Receipt of 8,300 RMB Robbed by Fang Jiancai

When We Appealed in Beijing in September 2001


The three of us were not successful in making our claims. We were brought back separately by Beijing-stationed police officers. I was imprisoned in Diaobingshan (formerly Tiefa City) Detention Center.


When the local police brought me to be questioned before a court, I frankly told them I went to Beijing to press charges. I asked them “Why was I arrested and sent back? Hadn’t you provided me with the evidence to sue? Wasn’t I going to sue? Why did you lock me up, and why don’t you let me sue?” The Security Brigade police said, “This is not the right place for you to sue – you’ve failed to see the current situation. The way I look at it is that you are daydreaming, isn’t it right? You should go to the United Nations to sue. Over there they will be able to establish and investigate your case.” I said, “You, the police, are violating the law while reinforcing it. I would certainly stand in front of an international court to sue you.”


I don’t remember how many days I was held in the Detention Center. Fang Jianye of the Diaobingshan Security Brigade, a chubby policeman (I had never seen him before) and two policemen (one of them Mr. Wang) from Xiaoming Police Station, dragged me to Shenyang Shenxin Labor Camp from the Detention Center. The car parked outside the gate of the Shenxin Labor Camp. Diaobingshan National Security police went in to talk with the Camp Warden about admitting me. They talked for a long time. Shenxin Camp refused to take me. But eventually Fang Jianye of the Diaobingshan of National Security Brigade gave Shenxin Camp the 8,300 RMB they had robbed from me, and then Shenxin Camp took me. Later on, together with Xiaming Police Station staff, they dragged me to the confinement cell of Shenxin Camp. Then Fang Jianye came to the confinement chamber and gave me the original receipt of the 8,300 RMB.


In less than 20 minutes, Fang and the chubby policeman rushed in the confinement cell gasping for breath and gave me a copy of the 8,300 RMB receipt. As he couldn’t find the original receipt on me, he molested and beat me in rage. He swung me left and right in the cell, his big hand reached in my pants, scooping and pulling wildly. He broke my bra strap and pulled out my bra from under my clothes, then he found the original receipt inside the bra and snatched it. I couldn’t help it but I cried loudly, “What kind of people’s police are you? You’re simply hoodlums.” Xiaoming Police Station’s Wang cast a sympathetic gaze at me feeling indignant and helpless. I picked up and looked at the copy of the 8,300 RMB receipt, the year was not correct, 2001 was written as 2000, the month and date were unclear.


This time, no one in Shenxin Labor Camp cared about me. After not eating or drinking for a week, I was sent to the Prison Hospital. All female prisoners there were moved from underground to above ground. They all said they were blessed for protecting Falun Gong practitioners as they saw the daylight.


Three days after arriving at the Prison Hospital, I was once again carried back to the local Xiaoming Police Station. This time being carried home, my mother refused to accept me and said to the Public Security Bureau and the local Police Station that the Bureau didn’t arrest the defendants but arrested the plaintiff. “What kind of society is this? Whoever brought my daughter home, must take her back. She is in such bad shape. Why send her to me? What is an old woman like me to do? My family have no more money for her treatment. No one can take care of her and I still have to take care of her son. Our family can’t afford the torment. We will sue you if my daughter dies.” My mother then walked away. The Xiaoming Police quickly drove me home before my mother arrived and drove away.


Coming back this time, I had a very powerful thought: I had to stand in the International Court to testify against these evil people. Back home this time, the local Public Security Bureau, street workers, the local Police Station police hadn’t been haunting me like before because they tasted the difficulty of sending me home last time.


The 2002 Chinese New Year’s Day was the first time I was home with family for the New Year since 1999. Mother happily cooked eight dishes and made two kinds of dumplings for this special reunion. On New Year’s Eve morning, the whole family sat around the dinner table, my son and neighbors’ children were playing in the yard, happily setting off firecrackers, and didn’t care about dinner.


A destitute and homeless male Falun Gong practitioner came to my house. My mother warmly invited him to sit down and have some dumplings. When we both picked up the chopsticks to grab dumplings, our chopsticks were shivering, and we both lowered our heads. I tried my best to hold back tears and put dumplings in mouth. Noticing this, my mother said to me moodily, “What is there to cry about in this New Year’s celebration? You have not been with us for the New Year’s celebration for many years, and finally you are here for the occasion and you cry.” At this time, I could no longer stop the tears. I cried out loudly, and the dumpling spurted out of my mouth. I sobbed out and said: “Mother, do you know at this moment how many Falun Gong practitioners’ mothers are waiting for their daughters to return home for the New Year’s celebration? How many daughters are waiting to spend this time with their mothers? They suffer brutal tortures in prison every moment. Even now on New Year’s Eve, a family from Changtu, destitute and homeless, is in a rented house there, the whole family living on the cement floor paved with hard board and newspaper. Their children dare not come out in fear of being seen and arrested.”


Mother had some complaining expression but she knew in her heart the difficult sufferings of Dafa disciples in the persecution, and felt bad too. My mother and I again brought out chopped preserved vegetables, ground meat, and made dough. We made three round straw baskets [bamboo staking trays for putting dumplings and meat pies on] of dumplings for destitute and homeless Dafa disciples. After 3pm on New Year’s Eve, that male practitioner and I distributed the frozen dumplings to each destitute and homeless Dafa disciple family in our district.


12. Tieling Murder


Just after the Chinese New Year of 2002, Zou Guirong, destitute and homeless, came to my house. My whole family was very happy that she came. She told me she wanted to rewrite the persecution material because the last one was confiscated. Considering my home could not guarantee her safety and to avoid interuption, my mother locked her (sometimes both of us) in the empty outhouse in our backyard. Other than sending food over twice a day, my mother left her alone for the rest of the day to do her writing.


In that cold and empty house, Zou Guirong quietly wrote down the last article in her short life ── “Suffering Persecution at the Masanjia, Zhangshi, Shenxin, and Dabei Labor Camps.” I didn’t expect that article to be her final effort, nor did I expect that was our last meeting.


The news of Zou Guirong’s death came on April 23, 2002. She died from persecution. I couldn’t believe my ears. I inquired everywhere, only to learn that it was true. I collapsed and cried until I was tearless. My mother couldn’t believe it either because Zou hadn’t left us that long ago. My mother said sadly “While working, how nice that child was! She helped us with our work right after she came here. She always picked the leftovers to eat and was also was very sensible and polite. What a great kid she was! She had a child, right? How unfortunate.”


When Wang Jie, a Shenyang Falun Gong practitioner, heard about Zou Guirong’s death, she made a trip to come see me. We met at the house rented by a destitute and homeless Falun Gong practitioner . In there, we looked at each other silently. Zou’s features appeared in my mind. She was small but her righteous spirit was extraordinarily superb. Her strong will in her righteous belief of Falun Dafa with no regards for her life, terrified all evils. Her persistence and firmness reduced the pressure on less experienced practitioners..In her destitute and homeless days, she sustained pressure “as big as the sky.” She wrote articles in her real name exposing Masanjia’s vicious persecution and in a timely way revealed the ferociousness of the persecution and it easier for fellow practitioners.


My mind was made up that I must stand before the International Court to accuse this group of evil on earth. I discussed with Wang Jie and we collected materials, witness testimonies, material evidence, etc. of severely persecuted Dafa disciples in various cities of Liaoning province, and after taking video recording, we would take these to the International Tribunal to sue them.


On October 8, 2002, the door of our room where I lived was unlocked by Tieling Public Security Bureau with a master key. A group of police entered the room. I was writing appeals material at the time. Wang Hongshu and Zhang Bo, who had just come into the house didn’t know these people had come in. The police shouted at us then started confiscating our property, turning over the washing machine, rice bags, dish rack, all closets, under the bed, and all clothes. They then took the three of us to the local Yinbei Police Station. When we arrived at the Station, Wang Hongshu was kicked by Zhang Fucai of Diaobingshan State Security Brigade. His back was kicked broken and he collapsed in the Station. We were not scared when we arrived at Yinbei Police Station. I was thinking: since you have confiscated so much evidence from us, we might as well make the accusation right here. I didn’t expect them to ignore me and handcuff my hands up my back. The Captain of the Police Station wanted to electrocute me. I said loudly to her, “You are the police but you didn’t arrest the real criminals. Instead you electricute us. What’s the reason for this?” At this time, Diaobingshan National Security Brigade’s Zhang Fucai and Liu Futang came in leading several police and said, “These two are from our area, we are taking them.” The two of us were taken back to Diaobingshan Detention Center and force-fed barbarously. Later on, Wang Hongshu was released because the steel plate in his back was broken. [As mentioned above his back had been broken from being kicked, so a steel plate was attached to his back for support.]


CCP’s Brutal Torture Reenactment: Hung Up(minghui)


At the time, the head of Tieling City Public Security Bureau was Wang Lijun. To built merits for advancement, Wang actively pursued the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. He fabricated “big and serious cases.” Tieling Yinzhouqu Criminal Police Brigade’s vicious police officers used brutal torture: beating with rubber hoses, using the hang up torture, etc. to extort Falun Gong practitioners’ confession and to create so called “evidence of crime.” They threatened Falun Gong practitioners with life sentences. They were extremely rampant and arrogant. The whipping sound of the rubber hose and the tragic screams in the next room could be heard in the middle of the night. At one time, three Falun Gong practitioners including Wang Jie were hung on the wall for two days and two nights. They were beaten with the rubber hose causing buzzing sounds in their heads. They couldn’t tell north from south, east from west. Their whole body weight was on their two suspended arms. The pain was unbearable. Wang Jie’s thumbs lost feelings for half a year. The nails of the big toes fell off and she couldn’t lift his right arm for eight years.


13. Once Again Forced into Masanjia

二零零三年三月五日鐵嶺市銀州區法院開庭,非法對法輪功學員王傑、蔡邵傑、張波判刑七年,被鐵嶺公安局刑訊逼供致殘的李偉績被非法判刑八年。(王傑被非法關押在瀋陽的遼寧省女子監獄,七年刑滿後回到家裏只一年多就離開了人世。狱中惨遭折磨 辽宁铁岭市王杰女士含冤离世)

On March 5, 2003, Tieling Yinzouqu Court began a session and illegally sentenced Falun Gong practitioners Wang Jie, Cai Shaojie, and Zhang Bo to seven years, and Li Weiji, disabled by torture to extort a confession, to eight years. (Wang Jie was illegally jailed in Shenyang’s Liaoning Provincial Women’s Prison for seven years and died a little over a year after returning home. Ms. Wang Jie Passes Away After Long-Term Torture In Prison)


I wanted to go abroad but didn’t make it. I wanted to sue but failed,.I was illegally jailed in labor camps for three years the second time.


Around June, 2003, I was carried home from Masanjia for the second time. After experiencing seven months’ persecution, I was on my last breath, my lower limbs were paralyzed making me no different from a disabled person unable to do anything. My mother said, “If you’re going to live this time, you’ll have to not to go anywhere anymore, not to sue either. Your little arm is unable to wrestle a big thigh, there is no way to argue with this.” This time, I was truly unable to go anywhere because my legs wouldn’t listen to me anymore.

我小孩兒的一幫玩伴兒都喜歡到我的家裏來,因為我的家人對他們這幾個小朋友都很友好。時間長了我了解到,這幾個孩子,有一個爸爸進了監獄(二十年的刑期), 媽媽不知去了哪裏,(這個孩子的表姐爸爸就是警察方建業);還一個孩子媽媽不知去了哪裏,跟爸爸艱難度日;還一個小一點的媽媽整天打麻將。這樣我就成了他們幾個的媽媽和好朋友了。我能下地走了,就給他們每個人洗澡。給他們講故事,講法輪大法好。

My son’s little friends liked to come to our house because my family was very nice to them. As they spent more time in our place, I learned that one child’s father was in prison (a 20 year term) and the mother left for somewhere unknown (the child had a cousin whose father was the police officer Fang Jianye). One child’s mother went away, no one knew where. Life with the father was very difficult. A younger one’s mother played mahjong all day long. As such, I became their mother and good friend. As I was able to get off the bed, I bathed every one of them, told them stories, and explained to them Falun Dafa was good.


In July, a male Dafa disciple from Tieling came to my house with a child. I recognized the child as Huang Chunlin from Tieling with a nickname Daheng (meaning big shot). His mother was Jin Hongyu, an ethnic Korean. He was very happy to see me and told me he was arrested and detained for several days earlier by Tieling Public Security Bureau. Tieling Public Security Bureau police Yu Dehai, Sun Lizhong, and Yang Dongsheng didn’t let him sleep for a whole day and a whole night and forced him to tell other Dafa disciples’ whereabouts. They demanded his mother’s whereabouts as well. He said, the elderly lady Gao Jie (now paralyzed) was not arrested. He also said “I didn’t tell them anything. They frightened me. I cried loudly then they dragged me into a police car to find where the elderly female Dafa disciples lived.”


On July 19, 2003 passed 9 pm, as usual, I took the kids to bed Suddenly the door of my house opened, several Diaobingshan National Security Brigade’s policemen headed by Zhang Fucai and Liu Futang came in. They rushed to my room. One of them bent my left arm backward, grabbed my hair and rammedmy head on the ground. When my mother ran out to call a neighbor for help, a tall young policeman punched my mother with his fist making her right collarbone stick out [because the bone was broken]. At this time, a neighbor rushed in (the mother who liked to play mahjong,) begged the police to stop when she saw my mother was beaten and I was knocked to the ground. The police let me go but turned to beat her claiming she had assaulted the police. The child’s mother said, “Who could tell you are a policeman. It’s like I’m fighting against hoodlums.” At moment, the Dafa disciple who had sent the little Daheng to me happened to arrive with some things for the child. A group of policemen saw I was down, my mother was hurt, and neighbors were angry. They took the male Dafa disciple who came to visit and left. My mother didn’t know why this was happening again. She called my brother who said it probably was July.20 [July 20, 1999, the day CCP launched persecution of Falun Gong.] My mother asked him to quickly call a cab to send me away.




And so, we (my mother, son, and the little Daheng) fled away from home overnight. On the road it became clear that the two children were still traumatized by the fight.


After the Diaobingshan National Security Brigade took the male Dafa disciple to the Detention Center, they came back again to my house to arrest me. They investigated all my relatives one by one. Being persued and helpless, I discussed things with my mother. She said she would stay to take care of the destitute and homeless children, and I was to return to Tieling.


Back to Tieling, the first thing I did was to collect the personal and home telephone numbers of all policemen who kidnapped me and the male Dafa disciple. I called all these numbers, told them the truth about their tragic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Tieling these past years. “Once Dafa disciples were arrested by you, with a stroke of the pen, it would be a three years of imprisonment in Masanjia, and that invariably would result in countless families’ breaking up, bankruptcy, death, and interruption of schooling. This is the biggest crime of all ages and must be paid for.”


On October 14, 2004, for the third time, I was put in the detention centre by Diaobingshan’s Zhang Fucai and Liu Futang for three years of labor and re-education. After three months in Masanjia, I was carried home on the verge of death for the sixth time. When I arrived at home that time, my blood pressure was already zero. In order to save my life, my mother, who was not a cultivator, never left or abandoned me and read the entire fourth lecture of “Zhuan Falun” [“Turning the Law Wheel” ,the main book of Falun Gong]uninterruptedly to me. Once again I miraculously revived.


Coming home this time, the shock to me was too great – I learned that after I left, the elderly Qin Qingfang (from Fushun) who was my cellmate was persecuted to death at Masanjia. She had gaven me her son’s telephone number and said to me, if I could get out alive, I was to tell her son the persecution she encountered and not to let her son believe Masanjia’s lies. After I returned home, I found out a number was missing in the telephone number she gave me, I felt terrible that I couldn’t accomplish what she asked me to do.

我後兩次進到馬三家,那裏嶄新的大樓裏面設施現代而又齊全,警力充足、男女警官搭配有序。裏面像迷宮一樣,天天攻堅戰,夜夜逼「轉化」,法輪功學員被迫害的精神恍惚,晝夜被酷刑中的法輪功學員兩耳被強迫插上mp3大聲聽毀謗、攻擊法輪功的話。禁閉室裏的超分貝喇叭非要壓過法輪功學員高雅賢的聲音。導致我留下了聽到嘈雜超大聲音就崩潰的後遺症。鐵嶺大法弟子王玲被馬三家迫害的一個牙齒都沒有了,崔振環、李春蘭被馬三家迫害的完全成精神病人了。(注: 高雅賢,女,法輪功學員,被馬三家迫害的非常嚴重,導致癱瘓。在禁閉室,高雅賢天天高喊「法輪大法好」、「停止迫害法輪功」,聲音響徹整個馬三家上空。惡警非常驚恐,所以把「高分贝噪声广播」放成快转,发出一种刺耳的磨铁轨的超高倍声音,震耳欲聋的从早响到晚,持续近半个月。高雅贤被迫害的耳聋、血压高压二百一十以上,低压一百三十。這是另一種形式的迫害。)




一家四人 悲歡離合 遼寧鐵嶺市大法弟子崔振環一家的遭遇

屡遭残害 朝鲜族李春兰精神失常

The latter two times in Masanjia, that brand-new building had modern and exhaustive facilities, sufficient police both male and female police in rough proportion to the gender divide of the inmates. It was like a maze inside, forced assaults daily, forced “transformation” every night. Falun Gong practitioners became absentminded from persecution. Those being brutally tortured day and night were forced to have mp3 ear buds inserted in their ears to listen to slander about Falun Gong loudly. In the confinement cell, the high decibel trumpet must have been louder than Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Yaxian’s voice. This left me with the sequela of collapse upon hearing constant loud voices. From Masanjia’ persecution, Tieling’s Dafa disciples Wang Ling had no teeth left, Cui Zhenhuan and Li Chunlan became mental patients. 〔Note: Female Falun Gong practitioner Gao Yaxian had been brutally persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and eventually became paralyzed. In the confinement cell, Gao persisted in calling out, “Falun Dafa is good!”, “Stop persecuting Falun Gong!” everyday. Her powerful voice reverberated through the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. It caused a great shock to the police, so they fast forwarded the “high decibel noise broadcasting,” which gave off a harsh railing supersonic noise. The deafening noise was played from morning until evening, and lasted almost two weeks. Gao Yaxian was tortured to deafness, and her blood pressure was as high as 210 and as low as 130 at times. This is another form of persecution. 〕See link:

Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Yaxian from Shenyang Tortured to Paralysis at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Wang Ling Mentally Incapacitated after Being Tortured in Labor Camps for Eight Years

2. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Cui Zhenhuan Suffered Mental Collapse After Being Persecuted at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

一家四人 悲歡離合 遼寧鐵嶺市大法弟子崔振環(Cui Zhenhuan)一家的遭遇

Ms. Li Chunlan Is Mentally Ill Due to Torture (Photo)


The experience I have written above is only a part of the CCP’s persecution that I suffered. There were other parts that I can’t remember anymore because I lost my memory for a period of time resulting from severe persecution. What I have written above might have some minor discrepancies in time and detail, but as a whole, it is my factual personal experience.


To those who do not believe what I have described, I would like to say, I understand why you think like that, because it is indeed too hard to believe that a government could do that kind of thing to a woman. One can understand only through personal experience, just like Ms. Liu Hua who exposed the crime of Masanjia in “Above the Ghosts’ Heads: The Women of Masanjia Labour Camp”. Before she personally experienced it, she probably would not have believed it. I can understand that. Also, there are people prying into my current condition and spreading lies about me. I would like to clarify that I have stood up and spoken the truth. Why? Is it to draw more attention to my family so that the Public Security Bureau will harass them? Isn’t it that my current state has been caused by CCP’s persecution? Isn’t it a miracle that I am still alive?

高傑 (被迫害離世) 2014上半年至少49人被迫害致死



Thank you again.


(The end)
