

【大紀元2013年09月01日訊】敘利亞政府日前使用化學武器屠殺本國民眾,震驚了國際社會。 其實,敘利亞專制獨裁政府,根本沒有使用化學武器的必要,而且殺害多數是平民。究其原因可能是敘利亞政府帶頭進行冒險挑釁,進行戰略試探,為廣泛的使用化學武器開拓道路。在這種反人類的邪惡行為面前,許多國家的表態莫衷一是。 本身就是邪惡化身的獨裁專制政府喜形於色,如中共、古巴等。俄國等國家限於眼前國家利益,也是默許甚至反對國際社會的強烈制裁。以美國為首的西方社會雖然激烈反對,甚至要採用軍事行動,也受國內的一些短視的綏靖力量的制約。

《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此種武器的公約》已經有189個國家簽署了。這樣一個擁有廣泛國際支持的公約,竟然沒有足夠的力量去維護,應該說是人類極為可悲的災難。如果一旦此公約不能維護,此公約等於廢紙。並且,其他關於禁止生化武器、核武器等公約也形同虛設。恐怖分子、邪惡政權因此而氾濫使用化學、生化和核武器,必將給全人類造成毀滅性災難。 而且這種大規模殺傷性武器,便於攜帶、使用,其危害性不可想像。





Chinese Interim Government appealing : The international communities should strongly deter Syria from using chemical weapon to slaughter their civilians by force.

The behavior of Syrian government has used chemical weapon massacring its own people shocked the entire international community. In fact, there is no need for the Syrian dictatorship government killing people (mostly civilians) by using chemical weapon. The real reason behind it may be the Syrian government riskly pioneering this provocative and strategic testing in opening up the road to the massive use of chemical weapon in the future. In facing this anti-humanity evil deeds, many countries stood differently. The evil dictatorial government such as the Chinese Communist Party , Cuba and Russia sniggering and even opposing the strong sanction from other international community. The American led western countries fiercely opposing and even suggesting the using of military action to stop this evil deeds, yet it is also affected and constrained by some short-sighted domestic appeasement strength.

“On the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (CWC)” has been signed by 189 countries. If there is not enough strength to maintain such a international supported convention, then a very sad human disaster could be happening and this convention is equal to scrap paper. Same as the convention on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons is also useless. Therefore the terrorists and evil regimes flooding on using chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, is bound to all mankind to a ruinous disaster. It is easy to carry and use, the harm to human beings cannot imagine.

Therefore, any justice power in this indecision will not only harm the national interest, but also to the future of all mankind.

Therefore, the Chinese Interim government strongly support to the American led international society, on its strategic vision considering the future of mankind and working together to stop Syrian government from its provocative behavior.

Chinese Interim Government

