
阿凡達&鐵達尼號導演 看在中國合製電影

“Avatar,” “Titanic” Film Director Eyes Co-Producing Movies in China

阿凡達&鐵達尼號導演 看在中國合製電影



1. Eye: [‘ɑɪ] v. 注視

2. Censorship: [s’ɛnsɚʃ,ɪp] n. 審查

3. Incentive :[ɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 動機;誘因

4. Blockbuster: [ˋblɑk͵bʌstɚ] n. 電影巨片

5. Grossing: [gr’osɪŋ] adj. 賣座的

6. Pocket :[ˋpɑkɪt] v. 賺進

7. Fraction: [ˋfrækʃən] n. 小部份

8. Premium: [ˋprimɪəm] adj. 優質的

9. Exempt: [ɪgˋzɛmpt] v. 免除

10. Piracy :[ˋpaɪrəsɪ] n. 盜版行為

11. Anodyne: [ˋænodaɪn] n. 止痛劑

12. Pirate: [ˋpaɪrət] v. 盜版

“Avatar” and “Titanic” film director James Cameron said Sunday he’s considering the opportunity for co-producing movies in China.


The 57-year-old Canadian-born director was in Beijing for a film festival. Censorship and other restrictions are concerns he says need to be addressed before he would move forward.


[James Cameron, Film Director]:

“I am here to explore the idea of a co-production, find out what restrictions need to be met, you know, find out what content, guidelines need to be met, and find out what the economic incentives are, and I will weigh them all out.”


“Avatar”—Cameron’s blockbuster movie – was the highest-grossing movie in China in 2010. It made $85.6 million US dollars in 15 days.

卡麥隆的電影大片「阿凡達」,是2010年中國最賣座的電影。它在15天賣出 8,560萬美元。

Hollywood movies pocketed 44 percent of the $1.6 billion in sales that year – even though they form a tiny fraction of movies screened in China.

在那年16億美元的銷售額中,好萊塢電影賺足44%,- 儘管他們只是在中國放映的電影的一小部分。

The Chinese regime vice president Xi Jinping’s February visit to the United States has helped to finalize a deal for the import of 14 premium format films. Only 20 foreign films per year are allowed in China. But the new deal exempts formats like IMAX and 3D films.


Cameron said the restrictions will ultimately be unnecessary.


[James Cameron, Film Director]:

“I think that, you know, the government restrictions are protecting the Chinese film industry, the mainland Chinese film industry. That may be valuable to them in the short term. I think eventually it is not going to be necessary, just like it hasn’t been necessary in most of the territories out there.”


Cameron said 3-D technology could solve widespread piracy issue.


[James Cameron, Film Director]:

“I have always said that 3D is an anodyne to the piracy problem, because you can pirate a 3D movie, but you cannot pirate the 3D experience of that movie. (It’s) not technically possible.”

電影導演詹姆斯•卡麥隆說:「我一直在說,3D是盜版問題的止痛藥,因為你可以盜版一部3D電影,但你卻不能盜版那部電影的3D體驗。 (這)不是技術上可行的。」

Despite restrictions and censorship issues, Hollywood is eyeing China – as China’s growing middle class spends more of their money in theatres and less on pirated movies.


The next “Iron Man” film will be co-produced in China. This is a joint agreement between Walt Disney Co, Marvel Studios, and DMG Entertainment.


Disney also hopes to collaborate with the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tencent Holdings to promote the animation industry in China.



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