美語訓練班 第052課

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【大紀元2012年05月18日訊】A: Welcome to American English Mosaic! 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,快來給大家介紹一下節目內容吧!

A:好! 今天,咱們去打打高爾夫,看看怎麼訓練小狗,搭個順風車,還要告訴大家怎麼用美語說「爆冷門」和「分手」。

B: 訓練小狗? I love training my dog, it’s so much fun!

A: Can he shake? That’s my favorite! 不過首先,咱們還是進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word

今天我們要學的詞是hitch a ride. Hitch is spelled h-i-t-c-h, and ride r-i-d-e, hitch a ride. Hitch a ride 的意思是搭便車,叫順風車。Can I hitch a ride with you? 意思就是,我能順路搭你的車麼?He was hoping to hitch a ride to the stadium. 他打算找個順路的人捎他去體育館。美國航天飛機「發現號」退役後來到了首都華盛頓附近的史秘森博物館,Thousands in Washington D.C. watched the space shuttle Discovery hitch a ride on top of a Boeing 747 and fly slowly over the city. 在華盛頓,數千人觀看「發現號」”搭乘順風車」–也就是讓一架波音747客機背著–緩慢地飛過城市的上空。好的,今天我們學習的詞是hitch a ride, hitch a ride, hitch a ride…

B: Did you watch the space shuttle Discovery as it hitched a ride on top of the Boeing 747, 楊琳?

A: No I missed it! 你看到了嗎?

A: Yeah! I went to the Mall and saw it fly right over! It was so exciting! 發現號參與了好多航天任務! The U.S. has come a long way in our development of space technology.來聽聽下面的words and idioms 你就明白了!

Words and Idioms

現在播送第 962講。我是楊琳。

M:我是Steve Baragona.

侄子邀請我們夫婦倆去看他的樂隊演出。我真不敢相信他現在這麼棒! 我記得幾年前他還在我姐姐的車庫裡練習,聽起來簡直就是噪音,可他們如今已經能在全國巡迴演出了!我真替他高興,這也讓我想到一句習慣用語,那就是:

M:Come a long way. Long is spelled l-o-n-g, and way; w-a-y. Come a long way.

Come a long way 的意思與這些詞字面的意思不太一樣,它的意思是「突飛猛進」。就像我侄子的樂隊,they have made considerable progress from when they first started playing together. They’ve COME A LONG WAY. 他們的水平比剛開始組樂隊時進步了一大塊,取得了飛越。下面例子裡的主人翁參加高中同學會,看到了很多高中同學,包括他的老朋友James。我們來看看他們的聚會有甚麼驚喜:

M: “I went to my high school reunion last weekend. That’s where I saw my old buddy James. Twenty years ago he was short, overweight and rather shy. Now he’s tall, thin and very outgoing. He even runs his own company. He says his life has gotten a lot better. It’s clear to me he’s COME A LONG WAY.”

[這段話是說: 我上個週末去參加高中聚會,見到了老朋友James. 他可是大變樣! 20年前他又矮又胖,而且很容易害羞。可現在他又瘦又高,非常外向,還自己開了公司! 他說自己的生活改善了很多。很顯然,他取得了很大的進步和成功。]

提起突飛猛進,我覺得最值得一提的就是科技發展。現在的科技每時每刻都在進步,iPhone, iPad, iTouch….快的讓我們覺得趕不上! Technology has come a long way compared to 10 years ago. 現在的科技與10年前相比,簡直是突飛猛進。好,回到James身上,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “I went to my high school reunion last weekend. That’s where I saw my old buddy James. Twenty years ago he was short, overweight and rather shy. Now he’s tall, thin and very outgoing. He even runs his own company. He says his life has gotten a lot better. It’s clear to me he’s COME A LONG WAY.”


M: “You all did pretty well in the practice drills we ran. You made significant progress working quickly and working as a team. That doesn’t mean you should be satisfied with your achievement. The reality is that more is expected of you. If you’re serious about earning the full respect of this community, you’ll need to COME A LONG WAY from how you performed today.”

[這段話是說: 你們演習時表現不錯,進步很快,有很強的團隊精神。但這不是說你們能就此滿足。我對你們的期望遠不止這些。基於今天的表現,如果想贏得整個社區的尊重,你們還有很長的路要走。 ]

這名消防隊長的要求真嚴格! 我鄰居就是一名消防員,而且是一名女消防員! 你知道嗎? Years ago women weren’t even allowed to be firefighters, they’ve come a long way. 多年前是不允許女性當消防員的,這方面進步很大。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “You all did pretty well in the practice drills we ran. You made significant progress working quickly and working as a team. That doesn’t mean you should be satisfied with your achievement. The reality is that more is expected of you. If you’re serious about earning the full respect of this community, you’ll need to COME A LONG WAY from how you performed today.”

今天我們學習的習慣用語是COME A LONG WAY,意思是「突飛猛進」。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Steve Baragona。謝謝各位的收聽。
A: 原來 to come a long way是突飛猛進的意思。Kat 你發現沒有,My hosting style has come a long way…

B: 你又臭美了…. but of course, I should congratulate you on your progress. I know it must be hard– not everyone can have such obvious hosting talents from birth. From the moment I opened my eyes, I was a born entertainer!

A: 啊呀,Kat, 你還真是不謙虛啊! 言歸正傳,我有個好消息要告訴你! 還記得我朋友Roger麼,你覺得特帥的那個!

B: Yeah! What about him?

A: 他跟他女朋友分手啦! 我們大家都覺得他們其實不合適,現在他們分手了,Kat…你的機會來啦!

B: 哈哈,Let the evil planning begin! He will be mine! MWAHAHAHA! But since you mention 分手,let’s see how to say it in American English!

JESSICA 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是Lulu 要問的:分手。

JESSICA: Lulu! Too bad you have to fly to Shanghai for your friend’s wedding next month. 我本來想約你一起去聽演唱會呢!

LL: 嗨,別提了,要結婚的那倆個人,分手啦! Say Bye-Bye啦!

JESSICA: What? Did they break up?

LL: 分手就是 break up? b-r-e-a-k, break. u-p up. 沒錯,分手啦! 這倆人特神,婚期定了,喜貼發了。結果,上禮拜那個女生給我來電話說,她和那男生分手了! 是不是該說 She broke up with her boyfriend?

JESSICA: Yes. Break up with someone 就是跟某人分手。不過,Lulu, What happened? Why did they break up?

LL: 聽說是那個男生劈腿!

JESSICA: What’s 劈腿?

LL: 就是…他還跟別的女生好。He has another girlfriend.

JESSICA: Really? He cheated on the girl he was gonna marry?

LL: 等會兒,我知道 cheat 是「欺騙」,你說的 cheat on her,就是背著她和別人好,「劈腿」的意思,對不對?

JESSICA: That’s right!

LL: 所以啊,你說,都快結婚了,卻發現 Her boyfriend cheated on her, 這女生能不跟他一刀兩斷嗎?!

JESSICA: There you go! Cut their ties! If I were her, I would not give that guy another chance either!

LL: Cut their ties? T-i-e-s, ties 就是聯繫。Cut their ties 就是徹底斷絕關係,一刀兩斷嘍?

JESSICA: 沒錯! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today!

LL: 第一,情侶分手是 break up;

第二,劈腿,對伴侶不忠,是 cheat on someone;

第三,說倆人一刀兩斷叫 cut their ties!

這次的「美語怎麼說」就到這裡了。如果你也有不會說的詞,請寫信給 JESSICA, 電郵請寄[email protected]

B: So why did your friend Roger and his girlfriend break up? Did he cheat or something?

A: 沒有! 我聽說好像是因為他們的愛好特別不同,Roger loves being outdoors, while his girlfriend just wanted to stay in all the time.

B: Now that might be a problem! Couples need to have a common hobby or find social activities that they both enjoy.

A: Or they can take care of a pet together! 不過在下面的Go English裡,Tom和Mindy正在為怎麼訓練他們的小狗爭執不下,咱們聽聽吧!

Cats and Dogs: Intermediate



Professor: Right Winnie. Some dogs are so bad, they need to be trained by a professional.

Mindy: Gosh Tom, why did I ever agree to get this dog? It’s so badly behaved!

Tom: It’s OK, honey. We just have to train him. In a couple of weeks he’s going to be totally obedient.

Mindy: In a couple of weeks? Tom, he will have totally destroyed our new house by then!

Tom: I know he’s a little wild right now. But trust me, before you know it, he’s going to obey every one of my commands.

Professor Bowman, Tom 還挺樂觀的,他向Mindy保證,自己肯定能把狗訓乖,讓它很快就obey every one of his commands, 對主人言聽計從。

Professor: What do you think? Will Tom be able to make the new dog obedient before it destroys their new house?


Tom: OK, the first thing I need to teach him is how to shake hands.

Mindy: That’s the first trick he needs to learn? Tom, he isn’t even house broken, and this morning he ripped apart all the pillows on the couch!

Tom: So…. you think I should teach him something else first? Like how to sit?

Mindy: Yes, Tom. That would be a good start. Then you can teach him how to heel.

如果換成我,第一件事就是要讓狗”house broken”,也就是說,在經過訓練後,能夠到指定地點大小便,從而保持家裏的整潔。

Professor: That’s true. Teaching your dog how to shake hands isn’t the number one priority.

Professor, Mindy 說的”teach the dog how to heel”是甚麼意思呢?

Professor: It means to make the dog obey you. You can also say that you bring a person to heel. For example, “At first the boss couldn’t control her employees. But after she threatened to start firing people, they all came to heel.”

我明白了,come to heel就是聽話,服從的意思。

Mindy: Tom, the dog is never going to obey you unless you punish him. When he misbehaves, you have to spank him.

Tom: You want me to hit our beloved dog, who is a member of our family? How can you be so cruel?

Mindy: Tom, that dog isn’t going to be a member of our family much longer unless he learns to behave.

Tom: Well, I prefer to reward him for doing something good instead of punishing him for doing something bad.


Professor: Right. But Mindy and Tom have different ways of training the dog, right?


Professor: So what does Tom say they should do?


Mindy: Tom, this dog is really out of control. Maybe we should take him to the veterinarian to see if he has some health problem.

Tom: He doesn’t need to go to the vet. He needs to go to a doctor who can cure him psychologically.

Mindy: Oh no Tom, you’re not talking about a ……

Tom: Yes, Mindy. We have to take him to a pet psychologist.

Tom 要帶狗去看pet psychologist—寵物心理醫生?美國真有這種醫生麼?

Professor: I guess so.可是寵物又不會開口說話,這些心理醫生怎麼能知道寵物的想法呢?八成是騙人的! 對了,Professor, veterinarian,v-e-t-e-r-i-n-a-r-i-an 是獸醫的意思,是不是和vet, v-e-t,是一回事?

Professor: Yes. The whole word is veterinarian, but most people in America just call them vets.


Professor: Well, we’ll have to listen next time to find out!

A: 所以說,教會寵物如何”house broken”特別重要。It’s the top priority!

B: It’s SO important- I wish I could have had some help house-breaking my ex-boyfriend…

A: What? What do you mean?

B: I had to teach him how to not behave like a caveman…for example, I had to educate him about the importance of doing dishes, picking up his dirty socks and washing his clothes. If I had had some help, maybe we could have worked out!

A: 哈哈哈! 訓練男友! 沒錯! 我現在也在對我男友進行野人改造訓練!

B: You are doing the right thing, 楊琳! 好了好了,咱們來換個話題, 在下面的business etiquette裡,咱們要去學一個高級運動,Golf!

禮節美語 Taking up Golf I


Mark: Hey Robert…going on vacation? Looks like you’re planning on doing some golfing.

Robert: Yes, I will be playing golf, but I’m not going on vacation. I’m meeting up our New York office’s senior management team. We’ll be playing a few rounds and going over the merger plans.

M: Really? So when did you take up the sport?

R: Around two years ago I began to realize that if I could get on the golf course with other senior executives, it could open a lot of doors for me. At first I didn’t really enjoy it, but now I’m almost a golf fanatic.

Robert要跟紐約辦公室的高層主管打高爾夫 play a few rounds,同時討論併購的事。

Mark 問他是甚麼時候開始打高爾夫球的,這裡用的動詞是 take up, to take up sth. 意思是開始做某件事情。Robert說,他兩年前開始覺得,打高爾夫 could open a lot of doors for me. 可以幫助自己打開很多大門,得到更多機會。Robert說,他剛開始打的時候也不太喜歡,但現在已經快變成 golf fanatic 了。fanatic is spelled f-a-n-a-t-i-c, fanatic 是指對某件事瘋狂的人,比如,a jazz fanatic 爵士樂迷,a basketball fanatic 籃球迷。Mark 聽後說:

M: I see. So you meet a lot of business executives on the course, huh?

R: Yeah, definitely. It’s a good way to network.

M: Isn’t golf really expensive?

R: To be perfectly honest, golf is a bit of a status symbol…and yes…it can be an expensive game. There are green fees, caddy fees and charges for renting the golf cart.

M: But the business opportunities are worth it.

R: Absolutely. I read somewhere that a high percentage of senior business executives play golf.

M: It sounds like it’s almost mandatory to learn golf if you want to climb the corporate ladder.

Robert說自己在高爾夫球場上能遇到很多商業界高層主管。這裡說的 on the course 指的就是 golf course. It’s a good way to network. 打高爾夫球是認識人,積累人脈的好辦法,network在這裡是動詞,意思是建立人際關係。打高爾夫球確實需要錢,要交 green fees球場費;caddy fees球童費,cart rental fees 租車費,但是能認識更多的人,得到更多機會,還是值得的。Mark說,看來,如果想在企業裡陞遷 climb the corporate ladder 就必須學打高爾夫球。

R: Networking is a big plus….but I think another reason executives enjoy the golf course is that it gives them an excuse to get out in the fresh air and connect with nature.

M: I can understand that. If you turn off your cell phone or Blackberry you can hear birds chirping and enjoy a fresh breeze. It’s a nice break from a hectic office.

R: It is a good way to recharge, but you’re right: golf primarily is a social sport. You get a chance to talk and get to know people on a different level on the golf course than you do in the boardroom.

公司高層願意出去打高爾夫球,除了建立人脈以外,也是為了能離開 hectic office 忙碌的辦公室,投入大自然的懷抱,It’s a good way to recharge. 是個充電的好辦法。Robert 覺得,高爾夫主要還是一種 social sport 社交型運動,讓你在董事會議事廳以外,換個環境,換個層面,在高爾夫球場上去彼此瞭解。

B: I tried golf once, but I’m not a huge fan. I think it’s just SO S-L-O-W.. and plus it’s relatively expensive compared to other sports!

A: Maybe you should try again when you are older! You are too young to see the beauty of golf! 好啦,說完高爾夫,咱們再去瞭解一個體育用語,爆冷門!

Jessica 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是Jimmy要問的:爆冷門

Jimmy: Jessica, 昨天看學校的足球比賽了嗎?爆了個大冷門兒,法學院居然輸給了商學院,哎,這大冷門怎麼說啊?



Jessica: Oh, in English we call that an upset.

Jimmy: Upset? 那不是不高興的意思嗎?

Jessica: That’s true. 做形容詞的時候,重音在後面,是 upset (emphasis on the second syllable), 指不高興,但是做名詞,重音在前面,upset (emphasis on the first syllable), it means an unexpected win.

Jimmy: 哦,我明白了,中文裡的爆冷門,在英文裡就是 upset. 那原來大家都以為法學院會贏,這種賽前被看好的球隊美語裡叫甚麼?

Jessica: Easy. That team’s called the favorite.

Jimmy: 這麼說,The law school team was the favorite to win the game. 法學院足球隊本來是被看好的熱門球隊。

Jessica: That’s right. You can also refer to the team that was expected to lose as the underdog.

Jimmy: Underdog. under後面加上dog, underdog 就是在比賽裡實力比較差的一方。這麼說,我們中文系的排球隊,不論跟誰比賽,都是 underdog.

Jessica: Jimmy!Isn’t your girlfriend Rachel the team captain?

Jimmy: 唉,別提了…That’s why I always cheer for the underdog…

Jessica: hehe…..言歸正傳,What did you learn today?

Jimmy: 第一,爆冷門叫 upset,重音在前面; 第二,賽前被看好的一方叫 favorite,第三,賽前不被看好的一方叫 underdog.

Jessica: 不錯,我也學了個詞兒–upset 叫作「冷門」。

這次的「美語怎麼說」就到這裡結束了。如果你也有不會說的詞,請寫信給Jessica, 電郵請寄[email protected]

A: 我也來給大家舉個例子。In our kongfu competition, I was the favorite, and Kat was considered the underdog…

B: 大家不要忘記,the competition was a huge upset! I WON!

A: 哈哈哈,oops! 我怎麼忘了比賽結果啦! (笑) 好啦,這次節目時間就到這裡。同學們,如果你對我們的節目有甚麼建議,或者想提甚麼問題,請發電子郵件到[email protected].

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

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