

Londoners Throw Street Parties to Celebrate Royal Wedding




1. throw: v. [θro]舉行

2. gather: v. [ˋgæðɚ] 聚集

3. memorableV: adj: [θro]難忘的

4. struggle: v. [ˋstrʌg!]努力

5. step out: ph. [stɛp] [aʊt]大步走

6. take something in one’s stride: ph.不畏困難,從容應對

7. paparazzo: n. [͵pɑpəˋrɑtso]狗仔隊(複數:paparazzi)

8. downfall: n. [ˋdaʊn͵fɔl]滅亡、墜落

9. anticipate: n. [ænˋtɪsə͵pet]期望

10. pull off:ph. [pʊt] [ɔf] 延遲

11. commoner: n. [ˋkɑmənɚ]平民

12. inspiration: n. [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] 鼓舞

Londoners gather at street parties today to celebrate Prince William and Catherine Middleton’s union in marriage. As the public watch together the celebrations on live TV, we asked them what they thought of the Royal Wedding.


[Kim Hau, London Resident]:

“Probably the most memorable moment of the ceremony was when Prince William put the ring on Kate’s finger and it didn’t quite fit, so he was really struggling to make it fit. And everyone was ooh-ing and aah-ing in the audience and hoping that maybe it wouldn’t fit. He would have to get another one or something, but yes, it was quite tense.

倫敦居民Kim Hau說:


[Nina Ansah, London Resident]:

“I think Kate will do really well in her new role as a Princess, ’cause when she stepped out of her car she was so happy and she looked so relaxed, so I think she will take it all in her stride.”

倫敦居民Nina Ansah說:


[Rachel Law, London Resident]:

“The only problem I see though – and it’s like a bit of a problem in the country’s celebrities – it’s the paparazzi. And also, that was the downfall for Diana. So, I really hope nothing like that will happen to her as well.”

倫敦居民Rachel Law說:


Catherine’s choice of wedding dress was greatly anticipated.


[Jemma Sullivan, London Resident]:

“I think it was really nice that it was a McQueen dress, I think it was Sarah Burton, who is from the House of McQueen. I think that was a really nice note to the late designer. And I think the dress was really classy, really elegant and I think that she pulled it off, and I just think, ‘Yes, perfect choice.’”

倫敦居民Jemma Sullivan說:

「我認為麥王后禮服真的非常好。我想這是出自麥王后之家Sarah Burton之手。我認為這對這位已故的設計師,那是非常好的註釋。而且我覺得這條裙子真的很典雅,相當精緻。她做對了,我認為,沒錯,是完美的選擇。」

And as for William’s choice of wife-to-be, here is what they had to say.


[Charlotte Louise Gould, London Resident]:

“I know it’s been a lot of talk about her being a ‘commoner’, but I think he’s made a really good choice. They seem like they are very well matched. They’ve been together for almost ten years.”

倫敦居民Charlotte Louise Gould說:


[Katie Bryan, London Resident]:

“I think it’s important for kind of our Royal family to be moving forward and be shown to be a little bit more modern, and I think that Will marrying Kate, it’s kind of made that.”

倫敦居民Katie Bryan說:


The British public sent their best wishes to the young Royal couple.


“Kate and William, congratulations, you make an amazing couple! You are an inspiration to all of us young people.”


NTD News, London



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