
Jianyi,Shi, David Lee
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Amazing Japanese Tsunami Survival Stories


1. retrieve :[rɪˋtriv] vt. 重新得到, 收回
2. perish : [ˋpɛrɪʃ] vi. 死去
3. survival : [səˋvaivəl] n. 倖存
4. prefecture : [ˋpri:fektjuə] n. 縣
5. gigantic : [dʒaiˋgæntik] a. 巨大的
6. debris : [dəˋbri:] n. 殘骸
7. sweep over : 横掃
8. gush : [gʌʃ] vi. 噴, 湧,
9. struggle : [ˋstrʌgl] vi. 奮鬥; 掙扎
10. cling : [kliŋ] vi. 黏著; 纏著; 緊握不放
11. evacuation : [i͵vækjuˋeiʃən] n.撤離
12. spare : [spɛə] vt. 饒恕

Most of the recovery efforts in northeastern Japan are, unfortunately, to retrieve the bodies of those who perished in a massive earthquake and tsunami.

But stories of survival are emerging from the days and hours immediately following Friday’s disaster.

One woman, who survived that wave, was pulled out from under the debris and carried to a nearby shelter.

[Ito, Tokyo Resident]:
“I stayed outside the whole night. The water gushed in when I opened my door…I was washed away but I hung on to a floating tree that came my way. I struggled hard to cling to it to stop myself from going under, but I did go under. During my struggle, a tatami mat came floating towards me. I jumped on, and stayed there. I was washed away, circling around some houses. My daughter was also swept away. I still don’t know where she is.”

In another instance, calls for help were heard coming from this vehicle that was partially buried in mud. Inside– three elderly people who had been trapped for 20 hours. They were all rescued… scared, but ok.


As time passes, tales of survival are becoming fewer.

Home for now, residents who did escape are crowded into an evacuation center, their lives spared, but their futures uncertain.

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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