美語訓練班 第023課

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【大紀元2011年10月27日訊】A: 大家好,又到了學美語的時間了!歡迎收聽美語訓練班!我是楊琳!

B: 我是Jessica!楊琳,今天我們教甚麼呢?

A: 今天,咱們要去跳芭蕾舞,聊聊電視節目,瞭解一下各種各樣的保險產品,還要告訴大家怎麼用美語說「軟柿子」和「別煩我」。

B: Sounds good!不過,我要先考考你,上期節目咱們在Learn a word中教的甚麼詞你還記得麼?

A: 啊?這個….讓我想一下….好像是”plummet” 對不對?就是暴跌的意思。

B: That’s right! 今天咱們要教的這個詞和plummet是相反的意思。

A: 快來聽聽!

Learn A Word Hike

今天我們要學的詞是hike. Hike is spelled h-i-k-e; hike. Hike 意思是猛增,大幅度提高。加州政府預算不足,導致加州州立大學學費猛增。 The University of California system is looking at possible tuition hikes of up to 16% in the fall of 2012. 加州大學系統正在考慮2012年秋季大幅度上調學費,最多可能會增加16%。Netflix shares plummeted as subscribers left the service after its 60% price hike. 影視租賃公司Netflix大幅提高收費價格60%後,很多訂戶退訂,造成該公司股價暴跌。President Obama announced a tax hike proposal for the wealthy。美國總統奧巴馬宣佈了一項給富人大幅度加稅的提案。好的,今天我們學習的詞是hike, hike, hike.

A: Hike─大幅升高,猛增。我用這個詞兒造個句子──I want a salary hike.我想要工資猛漲!

B:Everyone wants that! Probably you should talk with your supervisor and ask for it.

A: 跟領導提漲工資?這個…..我該怎麼說呢?

B: Don’t worry. I’m an expert in asking for a pay raise. 我可以教你。

A: 太好了!那你可得詳詳細細地告訴我,開始時要說甚麼,根據領導的反應,再說甚麼,最後說甚麼。就跟下面我們要教的這個短語一樣,You need to tell me everything, blow by blow!

B: 好吧!不過,咱們先來聽「美國習慣用語」,瞭解一下blow by blow的用法。

Words and idioms: blow by blow

女:各位聽眾,現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 943講。我是楊琳。

M:我是 Doug Johnson.

女:話說昨天我接到了我妹妹的電話,她跟男朋友吵架了,特別傷心。她把他們吵架的內容一句一句轉述給我,足足講了兩個多小時! 這讓我想到了一個習慣用語:

M: Blow by blow. Blow is spelled b-l-o-w. Blow-by-blow. Blow by blow.

女:Blow 這個詞本身的意思是「敲擊」,而Blow by blow作為一個習慣用語的意思是 「詳細地描述事情經過」。My sister told me the fight BLOW BY BLOW. 我妹妹把她跟男朋友吵架的事原原本本告訴了我。下面這個句子談到一對好萊塢夫婦,Debbie and Charles。我們來聽一聽:

M: “What’s Happened to one of Hollywood’s hottest couples? First, Debbie learned that Charles had a serious gambling problem. There was a huge fight. A couple months later, Debbie threw all of his belongings into the street. He moved out, and then asked for a divorce. That’s the BLOW BY BLOW so far. “

這段話是說:[好萊塢最紅的夫婦,Debbie 和 Charles之間到底怎麼了? 原來啊,Debbie 得知Charles特別好賭,他們倆大吵了一架。幾個月之後,Debbie把Charles 的所有東西都扔到了大街上。Charles搬了出去,還提出跟Debbie離婚。目前知道的就是這些。]

女:當個明星真不容易。現在社會,各種錄音設備齊全,狗仔隊很容易就能give a blow-to-blow description of their private life。他們很容易就能詳細披露明星的私生活。好,讓我們再來聽一遍剛才那段話:

M: “What’s Happened to one of Hollywood’s hottest couples? First, Debbie learned that Charles had a serious gambling problem. There was a huge fight. A couple months later, Debbie threw all of this belongings into the street. He moved out, and then asked for a divorce. That’s the BLOW BY BLOW so far. “

女: 我有個朋友前幾天在銀行外面等人的時候,目睹了一次銀行搶劫的經過! 他向警方詳細描述了他所看到的情況。讓我們來聽一聽:

M: “I was waiting outside of the bank. And, through the window, I saw the robber approach the teller, pull out a gun, and demand that she hand over all the money from her drawer. Then he shot at a guard before running out the side door. Since I saw it all happen, it was easy for me to give the police a BLOW-BY-BLOW description.”


女: 有了這麼詳盡的描述,警察尋找起嫌疑犯來一定容易多了。請大家注意,blow by blow也可以當作形容詞來用,意思是「詳盡的」,比如說,a blow-by-blow description, 詳盡的描述;a blow-by-blow analysis, 詳盡的分析; a blow-by-blow review,詳盡的審查。做形容詞的時候,我們一般要在這個短語之間加上hyphen, 連字符。好,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “I was waiting outside of the bank. And, through the window, I saw the robber approach the teller, pull out a gun, and demand that she hand over all the money from her drawer. Then he shot at a guard before running out the side door. Since I saw it all happen, it was easy for me to give the police a BLOW-BY-BLOW description.”

女:各位聽眾,今天我們學習的習慣用語是blow by blow,意思是「詳盡描述」。

A: Jessica, 你知道咱們的「美語怎麼說「節目被做成有聲電子書放在網上了吧?

B: Of course! People love it and we have tens of thousands of downloads!

A: 沒錯!不過,有聲電子書還是比較新的東西,好多讀者還不太明白下載後要怎麼做才能聽到課程的聲音。

B: Maybe we should add a blow-by-blow guide at the beginning of the book and teach everyone how to listen to the audio.

A: That’s a great idea!

B: 好!那咱們就來聽今天的「美語怎麼說」!

How to say it: pushover

Donny 在北京學中文,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是方方要問的:軟柿子

Donny: 方方,Why do you look so tired?

FF: 別提了,我今天又被同事叫去跑腿兒。。。好累啊!我真不想再當軟柿子被人使喚了!我要告訴他們,I don’t want to be a…a….

Donny:你不是昨天才幫他們買咖啡嗎? 你應該讓他們 run their own errands! You should stop being a push-over!

FF: 你上次教我 run errands 是跑腿兒。那 a push-over 被人推來搡去,就是好欺負對不對?

Donny: 沒錯。a push-over 就是好欺負的人,你剛剛說甚麼”軟獅子” 來著?

FF: 不是軟獅子,是軟柿子,吃的那種柿子。

Donny: Oh, “soft persimmon”? Sounds delicious! In English, you can also call a push-over a cowardly lion. A cowardly lion is someone who is supposed to be brave but lacks courage and acts cowardly.

FF: cowardly lion? 懦弱的獅子? 一個獅子,一個柿子。太有趣了。

Donny: 美國經典電影 “The Wizard of Oz” 裡的獅子就叫Cowardly Lion.

FF: 原來是這樣,那我絕對不要當 cowardly lion.

Donny: Yes, you should really stop being a cowardly lion and don’t let people push you over.

FF: 是啊! 我要告訴他們,不許再欺負我!不要來煩我!你快告訴我,這兩句話英語怎麼說?

Donny: You can say “stop bullying me.” Bully, B-u-l-l-y意思是欺負。「別煩我」更容易,我一說你準會,叫 Leave me alone.

FF: 我明天就去告訴他們,Stop bullying me! Leave me alone.

Donny: That’s right! Let’s see what you’ve learned today.

FF: 第一,軟柿子可以說 push-over,也可以叫 cowardly lion.

第二,欺負人是 bully.

第三,別煩我是 leave me alone.

B: Leave me alone! 別煩我!

A: I’m not a pushover! 我可不是軟柿子!

B: 哈哈,學的不錯!

A: 說起來,我最近在看一個電視劇,那裏面的女主角就是個pushover,人人都欺負她,我都替她著急,怎麼不奮起反抗啊!

B: 別著急,I’m sure she’ll grow stronger later. That’s usually how they tell stories on TV.


B: 就是的,咱們都能寫電視劇了。

A: 那不是因為咱們老看電視,有經驗嘛!說到這個,咱們來聽今天的「美語三級跳」,講的就是電視節目。

GoEnglish: TV-beginner


Winnie: Will 和Jane在約會,倆人聊起了各自愛看的電視節目。

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Today they are talking about reality TV.

Winnie: 「Reality TV」–電視真人秀! 這種節目其實一點都不真實,我聽說,很多情節和對話其實也是按照劇本,有安排的!

Professor: Maybe, but they are still entertaining.

Will: So Jane, what kind of TV shows do you like to watch?

Jane: I really love reality TV. Do you?

Will: Oh yeah, me too. And it’s great that there are so

many shows now to choose from!

Jane: I know. There are so many reality TV programs I can’t keep them straight!

Winnie: 原來這兩人都喜歡看真人秀。 Will很高興地說,電視上的這種節目很多,Jane說,節目太多了,所以she can’t keep them straight! Professor, 這是不是說她已經看得眼花繚亂,弄不清哪個是哪個了?

Professor: Yes! Jane is saying that there are so many reality TV shows out there, she can hardly keep track of which is which.

Winnie: 對了,Professor, Will 管「節目」叫「show」, 而Jane用了「program」, 這兩個詞有甚麼區別麼?

Professor: They mean exactly the same thing.

Will: You know what my favorite reality show is? Cops.

Jane: Cops? The show where they show what happens to the police? That show is so stupid.

Will: No way! Some people don’t remember that Cops was the very first reality show.

Jane: I guess so … but just because it was the first, doesn’t mean it was the best.

Winnie: Will最喜歡的真人秀是「Cops」–「傳奇警察」,他還說這是美國的第一個真人秀電視節目。我看過Cops,他們在警察的巡邏車裡安上攝像機,跟拍警察出任務的情況。這個節目有甚麼意思啊,我不懂!

Professor: Well, Winnie, it’s very successful. It has been on 22 seasons, and has made more than 750 episodes.

Winnie: 哇, Professor, 你記得好清楚啊! 我還真不知道這個節目這麼受歡迎,已經拍了 22 seasons–二十二季,more than 750 episodes–七百五十多集啦?!

Professor: Yes, it’s that popular! But what does Jane say?

Winnie: Jane說,雖然Cops是第一個真人秀,但並不代表它就是最好的。不知道Jane最愛看的是哪個節目。

Will: OK Jane, what reality TV shows do you like?

Jane: I like shows that have real people who are like me.

Will: You like to watch normal people doing regular things? That’s not interesting at all!

Jane: Yes it is! If it isn’t interesting, why are reality TV shows on all the channels?

Will: Jane, you don’t need to watch TV to see normal people. They’re all around you in your real life!

Winnie: 看來,Jane的品味和Will很不同,她喜歡看那些演普通人日常生活的真人秀。我同意Will的看法,如果你喜歡看普通人,那看看周圍的人不就行了麼,何必要看電視呢?

Professor: I agree. When I watch TV, I want to see amazing things I can’t see every day.

Winnie: 就是嘛。對了,Professor, Jane 還說,真人秀節目 “are on all the channels”,這是不是說,每個台都在播這種節目?

Professor: That’s right. For example, “I couldn’t find a good show to watch on any channel, so I read a book.”

Jane: Have you ever watched the show Survivor?

Will: Yeah. I haven’t seen the whole series, but I’ve seen a few reruns.

Jane: It’s a good show because it showed regular people, but in a strange place.

Will: Yeah, that’s a really good show.

Winnie: Jane 喜歡看「Survivor」–「倖存者」。Will說,他沒看過這個節目的whole series–整個系列,但是看了a few reruns–幾集重播。

Professor: Right. Why does Jane like that show?

Winnie: Jane說,Survivor演的是普通人身處險境時的事兒,所以很好看。

Professor: That’s right. So Winnie, do you think Will and Jane have other kinds of shows they like to watch?

Winnie: 我們繼續收聽下次的節目就知道啦!

B: Reality shows? Hmm, I’m not a big fan of those.

A: 我原來還覺得挺新鮮的,可後來,reality shows are on all the channels 所有台都是這種節目, that’s when I got tired of it.

B: So what do you like to watch on TV now?

A: Sitcoms! 情景喜劇!又好玩兒,又能學到很多生活裡的實用英語。

B: Yeah! I like Sitcoms too!

A: You should come to my house someday and we can watch it together!

B: 好主意!

A: 好了,不說電視了,咱們來聽「禮節美語」,說說買保險。

Business Etiquette: Insurance II


ANDY: It seems you really know a lot about insurance.

J: Well, I’m Chinese and in our country people are pretty serious about insurance. I have two life insurance policies as well as casualty and accident insurance.

A: Wow. I only buy insurance when I’m forced to. I have auto insurance, but that’s required by law.

J: You should think about doing some research. Sometimes you can find policies that are actually a pretty good investment. Some policies allow you to pay for say, 20 years, and then you can collect a monthly check from the insurance company.

Jane說,自己不僅有醫療保險,還有兩份人壽保險 life insurance policies 和意外傷害保險 casualty and accident insurance. 她建議ANDY不妨找找看,因為有時保險也是一種不錯的投資,比如說,有些保險付滿20年後,就可以每月從保險公司領取一張支票。

A: That’s very interesting. I think you missed your calling! You should have been an insurance agent!

J: Actually, I worked for an insurance company when I was in my 20s.

A: Right…no wonder you’re so knowledgeable. So what about things like braces for my crooked teeth? Can I claim that from my company policy?

J: This company only provides limited dental coverage. If you broke a tooth on the job, that would be covered, but things like braces or teeth-whitening are considered cosmetic procedures and you have to pay the lion’s share.

ANDY開玩笑說,Jane應該去賣保險,她真是選錯了職業,you missed your calling. calling 在這裡是職業的意思。Jane說,自己20幾歲時確實在保險公司幹過,No wonder she is so knowledgeable. 難怪她知道這麼多。ANDY又問,如果是牙齒整形,公司的醫療保險管不管,牙齒不整齊,可以說 crooked teeth, 牙齒矯形器是 braces. Jane說,公司的牙齒保健保險很有限,整形和漂白teeth-whitening都屬於cosmetic procedures 美容,大部份錢要由個人出,you have to pay the lion’s share. lion’s share 意思是主要部份。

A: So how should I go about finding out if the medical procedure I need is covered?

J: You should probably speak to your doctor and get some paperwork describing what you need. Then you can talk to the insurance company. But remember, some of your medical expenses won’t be covered and you’ll have to pay them yourself.

A: I understand. Thanks a bunch. I think I understand the process better now.


A: Life insurance, casualty and accident insurance, auto insurance, health insurance….天啊,保險的種類還真多!

B: You know 楊林,there’s also travel insurance. If you have to cancel your flight or change your travel schedules at the last minute, travel insurance will refund your money.

A: That sounds good! 不過我想真理賠的時候肯定沒有這麼簡單,保險產品的附加細則很多的。

B: 沒錯。好了,下面咱們輕鬆一下,去學芭蕾舞!

A: 來聽「體育美語」!

American sports English: Ballet

P Yang Chen, I don’t think we should go jogging today.

Y Why?

P Valentine’s Day is coming up.

YC: Oh my gosh, 情人節要到了。 OK, 那你準備作甚麼?

P: To show my girlfriend my feminine and delicate side, I’m going to do a ballet dance for her.

Y To show your feminine and delicate side, 顯示你溫柔的一面,這我可以理解,可是你穿著小短裙子, that’s just too much.

P: I know, but I think it’s cool. And besides, I don’t care if I look different, so long as I’m not out of step when I dance.

YC: Out of step? You mean 步子亂了, 跟不上節奏 ? 不過我倒是覺得 you’re out of your mind.

P: That’s just your opinion. My girlfriend finds my ballet dancing romantic. You know, Yang Chen, you can use “out of step” in your daily life too.

YC: For example?

P: For example, last year my girlfriend and I were really out of step when we were meeting for our date. She went to the restaurant, but I thought we were meeting at the movies.

Y: I see . 兩個人去了不同的地方。Both of you where out of step. 步調不一致 。

哎,不知道你女朋友怎麼想,反正我啊, Seeing you do ballet,破壞了我所有的浪漫情緒。

P: Well Yang Chen, at least you don’t dance to other peoples’ tunes.

Y: 這個我知道,就是”不用聽別人指揮”的意思。

P: Right. For example I could say that my parents always wanted me to be a doctor, but I refused to dance to their tune.

Y: 你沒做醫生不是因為你不想dance to your parents’ tune。

P: 那是為甚麼?

Y 因為你能力不夠。

P: Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Y: You are welcome. Happy valentine’s Day!

A: 我覺得芭蕾舞演員都特有氣質,我也想學!

B: Er….It might be too late now for you to pick up ballet and become a professional.

A: 我也不想當專業的,能比劃兩下就行。

B: In that case, I have a coupon for an adult ballet class. It’s specially designed for beginners. Do you want to go with me?

A: 成人芭蕾舞入門課?太好了!咱們一塊兒去!沒準以後我能跳天鵝湖呢,你可以跳黑天鵝。

B: I’d rather play the prince!

A: 那你就得把我舉起來!你行麼?

B: Okay, black swan then.

A: 哈哈! 好了,今天的節目時間差不多了。這次的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!

B: Bye!

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