
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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New Milk Health Scare in China


1. controversy: n. 爭論;爭議
2. allegedly: adv. 據稱
3. taint :v. 污染
4. allegation: n. 指控
5. under fire: ph. 受到攻擊
6. lace :v. 參雜

Chinese milk is again at the center of controversy. This time for allegedly causing baby girls to show signs of premature sexual development.

It all started when three parents noticed their girls developing breasts. Rushing his daughter to the hospital, doctors confirmed one father, Mr. Wang’s fears.

[Mr. Wang, Father]:
“The hospital has confirmed that my daughter is sexually premature but they didn’t come up with any proposal for treatment. They just asked me to observe my daughter for the next month and then come back for further examination.”
「醫院已經確認,我的女兒是性早熟,但他們並沒有提出任何醫療建議。他們只要求我再觀察我的女兒一個月後, 再回來作進一步檢查。」

The company at the center of the storm is Synutra.

Mr. Wang says his daughter started showing signs after 20 days of being fed the milk.

Media reports are also pointing their fingers at the baby formula alleging it is tainted with hormones.

But the public relations manager for the company denies these allegations.

[Zhang Yingjiu, PR Manager, Synutra International]:
“Our factories are constructed strictly according to the good manufacturing practice standard. We would never add hormones into our products during the production process. We would not benefit from adding hormones to our products. Why would we do this?”

But some parents aren’t convinced. They say they wouldn’t feed their babies the formula.

[Jiang Li, Mother]:
“We take the safety of milk powder very seriously, before the nutrition contained. We only choose a milk powder which will benefit our child and we will never buy products, like Synutra’s, which have been reported to have problems.”

Others, though, don’t know who to believe.

[Ms Zhou, Mother]:
“As a parent, I don’t know how to select milk powder for my child or who to trust. Should I believe the advice of my friends, experts or China’s official departments? Now I am really confused.”

This isn’t the first time Chinese milk has come under fire.

Two years ago, milk laced with an industrial compound killed at least six children and sickened 300,000.

The test results of this latest incident are expected soon.

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