
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Nuns Chanting Ancient Songs Sign Major Record Deal

1. chant: v. 反複詠唱
2. secluded :adj. 與世隔絕的
3. label :n. 唱片公司
4. convent: n. 女修道院
5. date back: ph. 回溯至
6. sister: n. 女教友;修女
7. grille: n. 格柵
8. intrusion :n. 侵擾

A group of secluded nuns near Avignon, France, have signed a major record deal with Lady Gaga’s record label.

Decca Records chose the nuns after a worldwide search for the best female Gregorian chant performers.

The nuns of the Abbaye de Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation shone above 70 convents across the globe.

The nuns can now call Elton John, The Rolling Stones, Amy Winehouse, U2 and convent-educated Lady GaGa herself – label-mates.

The nuns are part of an ancient order, dating back to the 6th century.

Sisters continue the tradition of talking with any visitors, even family, through a wooden grille to avoid intrusion from the outside world.

1. cloistered :adj. 隱居的
2. confide: v. 傾訴
3. prayer :n. 禱告
4. go through ph. 通過;達成
5. interference: n. 干擾
6. album: n. 專輯
7. self-sufficient :adj. 自給自足的
8. plumber: n. 水管工
9. cloister: n. 修道院
10. take a vow: ph. 發誓
11. worldly: adj. 世俗的

[Sister Raphael, Abbaye de Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation]:
“Before starting the recording, we were a bit nervous, we were a bit afraid about what would happen to our cloistered life so we confided this to St. Joseph in our prayers. If this was going to help people to pray, if it’s going to help people to find God, if it’s going to help peace, go through with it, make this go through.”

To avoid interference in their daily lives, the nuns will film their own television commercial and photograph their own album cover.

The self-sufficient nuns – amongst them a plumber, an engineer, an electrician, a silk-weaver and a dental assistant – have already forbidden record company bosses from entering their cloister.

[Sister Raphael, Abbaye de Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation]:
“It’s not quite a question of how we feel when we sing but who we are and for whom we sing. But if you want us to tell us what we feel when we sing, it’s joy, peace, and love – love of god which is very much present in our life.”

The nuns’ album will feature the most ancient form of Gregorian chanting, which the sisters sing eight times a day. Gregorian chanting was the first music ever to be written down.

The nuns have taken a vow to live a life free of worldly possessions.

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