
Jessie Chen, David Lee
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South Korea Commemorates 60th Anniversary of Korean War

1. commemorate : v.紀念
2. perish : v.毀滅
3. aid : n.援助
4. prepare against : ph.為對付…作準備
5. deter : v.阻止
6. provocation : n.挑釁
7. accuse of : ph.指控
8. torpedo : n.魚雷
The South Korean Defense Ministry held a memorial service for the victims of the 1950-53 Korean War, marking the 60th anniversary of the war that divided the Korean peninsula.

Defense Minister Kim Tae-young and the U.S. Forces Korea Commander Walter Sharp, along with military officers from the 21 countries who had supported the democratic nation during the war, attended the event at Seoul’s War Memorial.

[Kim Tae-young, South Korean Defense Minister]:
“Sixty years ago when our country was in danger of perishing, many young people came to help us. Sixteen countries sent their young people and five countries sent a lot of support and aid to help us. We should not forget this.”
“60年前,在我國處於亡國的危險時,許多年輕人來幫助我們。16個國家派出他們的年輕人,還有五個國家給予我們很大的支持和援助。我們不應忘記這一點。 “

U.S. commander, Walter Sharp, says the U.S. and South Korea should always be prepared against North Korea’s provocations.

[Walter Sharp, U.S. Forces Korea Commander]:
“We honor the past sacrifices of our fallen heroes in battlelines by remaining prepared to deter future aggression and provocations. As a recent North Korean attack on the Cheonan reminds us, we must always remain strong and vigilant to ensure all these brave men and women fought for will be preserved for ourselves and for all of our future generations.”
“我們藉著仍會保持戒備以防止未來的侵略和挑釁,來表彰過去在戰場上犧牲的英雄們。最近北韓襲擊天安艦事件提醒我們,我們必須保持強大及警戒,以確保這些英勇的男女戰士們,他們為我們和所有我們的後代奮戰的成果可以被保存。 “

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have escalated since South Korea accused the North of firing a torpedo at its Cheonan battleship in March, killing 46 sailors.

The Korean War started June 25, 1950, when North Korean troops launched a surprise attack across the 38th parallel into South Korea.

U.S.-led United Nations forces battled Chinese and Soviet-backed North Korea, in a war in which three million soldiers and civilians were killed, and five million became refugees.

Seoul’s Defense Ministry said 21 countries sent around 2 million troops and military aid to the war and more than 140,000 of them were killed or wounded.


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