

APEC Eyes Huge Free Trade Zone





1. immediately: [ɪˋmidɪɪtlɪ] Adv. 直接地、立即地

2. protectionism : [prəˋtɛkʃənɪ͵zəm] n保護主義

3. stall : [stɔl] v.擱置

4. proponents : [prəˋponənt] n.提倡者

5. tumble : [ˋtʌmb] v.下跌

Expanding free trade is the key issue at the APEC summit in Yokohama this week, as diplomats from its 21 members begin talks.


A possible huge free trade zone would immediately include the world’s biggest economies — the U.S., China and Japan — and some of the fastest growing such as Indonesia, Thailand and Mexico.

一個可能的巨大自由貿易區域,將直接包括世界上最大的經濟體— —美國、中國及日本及其他經濟快速成長的國家,如印尼、泰國及墨西哥。

In Yokohama, ministers are expected to express concern about trade protectionism and declare support for the long-stalled Doha round of trade talks.


[Seiji Maehara, Japanese Foreign Minister]:

“I would like to discuss how to prevent protectionism and to seek an early conclusion of the WTO Doha Round, in place for 10 years, so that we can promote free trade and investment, and ensure the global economic recovery.”

日本外交部長Seiji Maehara說:“我想要討論如何避免保護主義,以及尋求已擱置十年的WTO杜哈回合的儘早達成結論,所以我們能促進自由貿易及投資、確保全球經濟的復紓。”

But if Doha fails, Pacific free trade proponents say a regional pact would prevent a line from being drawn between Asia and the Americas.


Security in Yokohama was tight ahead of the arrival of APEC leaders later this week, who oversee over 50% of world GDP and 40% of trade.


APEC members have seen finger pointing over monetary policy, as the U.S. dollar has tumbled against regional currencies.



本專欄由前衛英語David Lee主編 www.davidlee.url.tw