
流行美語 第173課




Larry和李華剛看完一部最新的恐怖片,兩人在離開戲院時還在討論這部電影。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:go overboard和guzzle。

LH: 這電影好恐怖,真嚇人噢!

LL: Actually, I think it was kind of disappointing. I think the director went a little overboard with some of the special effects.

LH: 你是在說導演和電影裡的特效,但是你說的「went a little overboard”,我可不懂。那是什麼意思?

LL: To go overboard with something is to go too far with it or use too much of it. I think the director relied too much on special effects.

LH: 噢,原來to go overboard就是做得過頭了,太過份了。所以你剛才是說這部電影的導演用了太多特效,對嗎?

LL: Exactly. I think the writers went a little overboard, too.

LH: 啊?連編劇都做過頭了,為什麼呀?

LL: Well, the writers created a main character who is a pilot, a linguist, a professor, and an expert in martial arts. That sounds a little overboard to me!

LH: 那倒也是。他們把主角寫成是一個飛行員、語言學家兼教授、而且還是武術高手,是有點太誇張了!一個角色有這麼多才能,好像有點不真實了。

LL: Yup. Of course, maybe I’m going a little overboard by analyzing a movie so much. After all, it is just a movie.

LH: 你覺得你對這部電影的分析太過份啦?我倒沒有這種感覺。是的,這只不過是一部電影。但是看完電影大家不是都討論分析嗎?

LL: Aaaagh?

LH: Larry,你怎麼啦?

LL: My stomach hurts. I think I went overboard with the popcorn.

LH: 我剛才就告訴你別吃那麼多爆米花,你看,現在胃開始疼了吧?


LL: Aaaagh (groan).

LH: Larry,怎麼啦,你的胃還在疼呀?

LL: Well, I pigged out on popcorn and then I was really thirsty, so I guzzled a large soda. Now, I’m really uncomfortable.

LH: Guzzle a large soda? 你是說你喝了一大杯汽水,是這個意思嗎?

LL: Yeah, to guzzle something is to drink it quickly. The salt in the popcorn made me really thirsty, so I guzzled a bunch of soda.

LH: Guzzle就是很快喝下去的意思。我知道,那就是說,你大口大口地喝了好多汽水。哼,你吃了那麼多爆米花,那玩意兒又乾又鹹的,你口渴了就往下灌汽水。這麼吃胃不疼才怪呢!

LL: I know. I know. I’m suffering the consequences of my actions.

LH: 對了,你毫無克制地吃爆米花,接著大口地喝汽水。你現在知道這麼做的後果,吃苦頭了吧!你真是自作自受!

LL: Yes, I know. Usually I don’t guzzle soda like that.

LH: 是呀,我從來沒有見你喝過那麼多汽水 – guzzle so much soda。

LL:Yes, I’ve never done that before. I just suffered a temporary lapse in judgment.


LL: That’s a good idea. I have some Pepto Bismol in my medicine cabinet. That should make me feel better.

LH: Larry,你家裡老有這種叫Pepto Bismol的藥呀?我知道那是胃不舒服的時候吃的藥。聽我的勸,Larry,下回再口渴,還是喝白水好!

LL:You’re right!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是go overboard,就是指做什麼事做得太過頭,太過火的意思。另一個常用語是guzzle,是指很快喝下什麼飲料。(http://www.dajiyuan.com)(http://www.dajiyuan.com)