


大華府全球退黨服務中心及大紀元時報華府分社在美國國會反射湖前舉行 “慶祝九評二週年及1500萬中國民眾退黨” 的公共集會。 (大紀元攝影記者麗莎)

【大紀元11月14日訊】(大紀元記者南希美國華府圖片報導) 11月11日下午﹐大華府全球退黨服務中心及大紀元時報華府分社在美國國會反射湖前舉行 “慶祝九評二週年及1500萬中國民眾退黨” 的公共集會。幾十位大華府地區各界僑民、中國問題專家以及遭受共產黨暴政統治的越南、老撾、柬埔寨等社團代表同慶《九評》傳播兩週年,聲援1500萬中國民眾退出中共。

集會由全球告別中共大聯盟華府發言人寇特匹爾曼(Court Pearman)先生以及公共集會共同召集人、大紀元時報華府代表李女士主持。參加集會的演講人有大紀元專欄作家、中國問題專家賀賓先生﹐美國越南美裔社區同鄉會總會長、大華府地區種族社團民主聯盟召集人及越南代表阮文壇(Tan V. Nguyen)先生﹐中國網上游說執行主任、支持中國網絡主席迪杰麥奎爾(D.J.McGuire)先生(書面發言)﹔中國問題研究、喬治華盛頓大學伊利阿特國際事務研究所孟博恩(Brian Marple)先生﹐自由柬埔寨美裔社區主席、退役上校、大華府地區種族社團民主聯盟柬埔寨代表特科延(Yen Thach)先生﹐“上海浦江浪潮”作者、中共暴政受害者嚴德馨先生﹔老撾(寮國)民主聯盟秘書長、大華府種族社團民主聯盟老撾代表托產布樓(Thong Chanh Boulom)先生﹐全僑民主和平聯盟巴城華府支盟共同主席、大華府中華會館委員張建國先生。



中國網上游說執行主任、支持中國網絡主席迪杰麥奎爾(D.J.McGuire)先生(書面發言) (大紀元圖片庫)
中國網上游說執行主任、支持中國網絡主席迪杰麥奎爾(D.J.McGuire)先生(書面發言) (大紀元圖片庫)







然而﹐這不僅僅只是情報資訊而已。自從兩年前九評共產黨系列文章發表後﹐超過1500萬中國共產黨黨員看到了曙光並且離開了厭惡的中國共產黨。換句話說﹐每90位中國人民裡就有1位現在已經退黨、退團、退隊(在共產黨黨部內﹐每11位黨員就有超過2位黨員退黨) 。









Dear Mr. President,

The fate of a very brave man is in your hands!

In Thailand, Jia Jia remains susceptible to arrest by the Communist Chinese regime for trying to bring democracy to the Chinese people. For reasons that are unknown – and even if they were known, they’d be unfathomable – American consulates have denied him asylum.

I ask you to order the consulate to reverse that decision and grant Jia asylum in the United States.

Jia may be just one man, but the implications of his situation are enormous. As head of the China Shanxi Science and Technology Experts Association, Jia was a well-placed technology specialist.

The information he has learned about Communist China’s technological industry could be a tremendous intelligence boon for the democratic world, especially given the fact that the civilian and military technology sectors are so deeply intertwined-it could even be reasonably said that they are not separate sectors at all.

However, this is about more than mere intelligence information. Since the release of the Nine Commentaries two years ago, over 15 million Communist Party members have seen the light and left the Party in disgust. In other words, one in every ninety citizens of the People’s Republic of China is a former Communist (within the Party itself, that is more than two out of every eleven members).

For understandable reasons, many high-ranking ex-cadres are too fearful to speak out. Jia is arguably the highest-ranking offical from Communsit China to go public with his call for a democratic China. Millions of ex-Communists are watching to see if the democratic world will protect and aid Jia.

By granting Jia asylum and protection, the United States will show that the nations of the democratic world are eager to see China join them. Conversely, continuing to deny him asylum sends the unintended signal that the free world is more worried about the Chinese Communist Party than the Chinese people.

This is not the signal we want to send.

Jia Jia can be more than just a leader in the China democracy movement; he can be a symbol to all who have rejected the Communist regime that they have been noticed by the democratic world, and a symbol of encouragement to those considering leaving the Party to do the right thing.

That is the main reason why the Communist Party is so eager to ensure Jia is not granted asylum. It is also the main reason asylum should be granted.

Let Jia Jia become China’s symbol, rather than its martyr.

Please, Mr. President, grant Jia Jia asylum in the United States!!
