

【大紀元10月14日訊】為了慶祝中華民國國慶, 『2005年全僑秋季健行烤肉活動』將於十月十六日(星期日)上午九時半在百福水壩西岸公園(Buford Dam West Bank Park)舉行. 這次活動由亞特蘭大中華總會主辦,僑務委員會輔導, 協辦單位包括: 洪門致公堂,協勝公會, 韓華聯誼會, 亞裔商會, 廣東同鄉會, 華人餐館同業公會,亞裔餐館同業公會, 重陽會, 射擊協會, 中山學會, 眷村聯誼會, 客家同鄉會, 亞城歌唱社, 雅韻舞社, 台灣商會。  

健行集合地點在Buford Dam的West Bank Park. 進入公園門票費為一車4元. 集合時間是上午九時, 九時半開始健行。健行路線為桂花小徑Laurel Ridge Trail,全長為3.9英哩。大約一個半到兩個小時可走完全程。沿途風景幽美,適合全家郊遊。主辦單位將供應午餐,餐後還有抽獎及團康活動。需要地圖者 可到世界書局索取. 為統計午餐人數,請電話報名404-325-7263王建民。

Cumming(Georgia 400)

Take Georgia 400, exit 14 (GA 20, Buford, Cumming) which comes off the right after passing under GA 20. At the end of the ramp turn right and continue to the Highway 9 traffic light at 0.3 miles. Turn right on Highway 9 and turn right again in 0.9 miles on Buford Dam Road (look for a Shell Station). Continue on the road and you will see the Buford Dam entrance, West Bank entrance is on the left side before you pass the Dam.

From Atlanta (I-285)

Take I-285 East , exit at Peachtree Industrial Blvd North(SR141)..Keep on Peachtree Industrial Blvd., North when SR141 and Peachtree Industrial Blvd split. Turn left on Swanee -Dam Road and go up to the mountain. At the end of the road, turn left to Buford Dam Road. Pass Buford Dam. West Bank entrance is on the right side.
