


Chen Guangcheng’s Brother Speaks of Abuse



1. cuff : [kʌf] v. 給上手銬

2. interrogation: [ɪn͵tɛrəˋgeʃən] n. 審訊

3. thigh: [θaɪ] n. 大腿

4. rip: [rɪp] v.撕扯

5. homicide: [ˋhɑmə͵saɪd] n. 殺人

6. retaliate: [rɪˋtælɪ͵et] v. 報復

The family of Chinese rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng has spoken about the beatings they suffered after Chen escaped from house arrest on April 20th.


Chen’s older brother Chen Guangfu spoke with Hong Kong based magazine iSun Affairs on May 12th. It’s the first face-to-face interview with Chen’s family since his dramatic escape. Chen Guangfu said he was taken from his home for interrogation once authorities from Shandong’s Yinan County realized his brother was gone.


[Chen Guangfu, Brother of Chen Guangcheng]:

“After they took me, they cuffed me when I was in the car, and after we got off they put me on a bench, chained my feet together cuffed my hands backwards behind my back and tried to pull my arms back and slapped my face.”


Chen Guangfu said the men were not in uniform, and continued to beat him during the interrogation.


[Chen Guangfu, Brother of Chen Guangcheng]:

“They asked me if I knew what this was all about, and I said no. They kept slapping me and they slapped one side of my face.”


Chen Guangfu’s wife also described how a group of men beat their son, Chen Kegui, in their home.


[Ren Zougju, Wife of Chen Guangfu]:

“They dragged [my son] into the house and started to beat him, a lot of people beating just one person. He was beaten until he fell down. He had blood on his face, and on his thighs. His pants were ripped during the beating.”



Chen Kegui has since been charged with intentional homicide, after he retaliated and injured the officials who broke into his home. Lawyers who wanted to defend Chen Kegui say he acted in self-defense.


