
Hello英语(第十四课) :在餐馆里(上)

At the Restaurant 在餐馆里


Excuse me, Ding Hui.

Yes, what do you want?

Do you know what time it is?

Yes, it is 6:30.

What do you want to do?

Let’s go to a restaurant.


Host﹕Hello, how are you today?

A﹕I’m fine.

B﹕I’m fine thank you.

Host﹕How many people are in your party?

A﹕ Two.

Host﹕ Do you want smoking or non-smoking?

B﹕ Non-smoking please. We don’t smoke.

Host﹕Okay, please follow me.


restaurant 餐馆


party 同行者

in your party 这伙人

smoking 吸烟

Non-smoking 不吸烟

Table 桌子

Chair 椅子

Fork 叉子



Chopsticks 筷子

Glass 玻璃杯

Plate 盘子


Napkin 餐巾纸

Menu 菜单

Waiter 男招待

Waitress 女招待

Bill 账单

Check 账单

在美国﹐你去餐馆时﹐你一般不能喜欢坐哪就坐哪。 你进门的时候﹐门口会有一位领座的﹐英语叫 “host”或 “hostess”他会问你“几位”﹐吸烟不吸烟。然后他会领你到你的座位上去。

How many people are in your party? How many 大家知道是多少的意思. People的意思是人﹐party 的意思是同行者﹐in your party 可以理解为你们这些人。

How many people are in your party? 怎么翻呢﹖你们一共有多少人﹖

Do you want smoking or non-smoking? smoking 是吸烟的意思。Non-smoking 不吸烟。如你想问别人吸不吸烟﹐怎么说﹖Do you smoke? 回答时说Yes, I do.或者No, I don’t. 不吸烟。please 在这里表示礼貌。We don’t smoke. 我们不吸烟。

最后领位说 please follow me。请跟我来。

领位的先给一人一份菜单﹐然后招待员过来先问你想喝什么﹐然后招待员把你点的饮料拿来﹐同时他会问你想吃什么。他会 把你点的菜饭写下来。然后呢﹐等了一会之后﹐他把你点的饭菜端给你。你吃饭时有时他还来问你怎么样了﹐吃得好吗﹐等等。等你吃完了﹐他会来问你要不要甜点﹐象蛋糕了﹐冰激淋了﹐还会问你要不要咖啡或茶。

Waiter﹕Hello, my name is Mike. I will be your server this evening.

A﹕ Hello


Waiter﹕Can I get you something to drink?

B﹕I want a coke please.

A﹕ Do you have tea?

Waiter ﹕ Yes, we do.

A﹕ I want some tea please.

Waiter ﹕ Okay.

(waiter goes away- comes back with drinks)

Waiter﹕ What do you want to eat?

B﹕ I want the chicken sandwich.

A﹕ I want the Beef soup.

(waiter goes away –comes back with food)

Waiter﹕ Do you want anything else?

B﹕ No thank you. Please give us the check.

Waiter﹕ Here you are.

A=﹕Thank you. The food was delicious.


转载自:新唐人电视台网 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)