


【大纪元7月21日讯】(大纪元美国华盛顿DC报导)2009年7月16日,原清华大学教授须寅博士,在美国首都华盛顿的国会山举行的法轮功反迫害十周年集会上,作为因修炼法轮功被中共迫害的受害者和清华大学众多受害者代表,与美国国会议员林肯‧迪亚兹-巴拉特(Lincoln Diaz-Balart)会面。


佛罗里达州共和党众议员林肯‧迪亚斯-巴拉特众议员(Lincoln Diaz-Balart)在华盛顿国会山法轮功反迫害十周年的集会上说,中共对法轮功的镇压是全人类的耻辱。(大纪元)



















1. 张凯

2. 韦良玥

3. 兰志学

4. 江天勇

5. 李方平

6. 浦志强

7. 江天勇

8. 李和平

9. 黎雄兵

10. 李春富

11. 王雅军─北京市高博隆华律师事务所

12. 程海

13. 唐吉田

14. 杨惠文─北京市安汇律师事务所

15. 谢燕益

16. 李敦勇─北京市共信律师事务所

17. 温海波

18. 刘巍─北京市舜和律师事务所

19. 张立辉─北京市国纲律师事务所

20. 李静林─北京市久瑞律师事务所

21. 韦良玥─黑龙江焦点律师所

22. 杨在新─广西百举鸣律师事务所

23. 孙文冰─欣合律师事务所


24. 刘如平

35. 王平

26. 王永航



Extension of Remarks

Communist China Must End the Ruthless Persecution of Falun Gong

July 17,2009

Madam Speaker, through their annual rally this week, Falun Gong practitioners and sympathizers have focused international attention on the horrible suffering of so many Falun Gong practitioners in Communist China. At that rally, I stood in warm, heartfelt solidarity with them and I will continue to do so until the Chinese people are free. On the occasion of this rally denouncing 10 years of persecution against Falun Gong, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the names of several students, professors and lawyers who have suffered for their opposition to Communist China’s brutal tyranny.

Currently, many professors and students from the prestigious Tsinghua University are known to be detained in Communist China under deplorable conditions due to their Falun Gong beliefs:

1. Mr. Bai Rongchun

2. Ms. Zhu Tong

3. Ms. Cong Dayang

4. Ms. Liu Zhimei

5. Ms. Yao Yue

6. Mr. Meng Jun

7. Mr. Wang Xin

8. Mr. Wang Weiyu

9. Mr. Zhang Lianjun

10. Mr. Yu Ping

11. Mr. Bao Weizhaong

I would also like to commend and think the handful of brave human rights lawyers who have accepted the challenge of representing Falun Gong adherents, as well as other oppressed citizens, and who themselves have been subjected to harassment, disbarment, detention and even torture as a result. Madam Speaker, these attorneys have taken an enormous risk for their fellow countrymen and I commend and admire their honorable efforts:

1. Zhang Kai

2. Wei Liangyue

3. Lan Zhixue

4. Jiang Tianyong

5. Li Fangping

6. Pu Zhiqiang

7. Jiang Tianyong

8. Li Heping

9. Li Xiongbing

10. Li Chunfu

11. Wang Yajun of Globe-Law in Beijing

12. Cheng Hai

13. Tang Jitian

14. Yang Huiwen of Anhui Law Firm in Beijing

15. Xie Yanyi

16. Li Dunyong of Gongxin Law Firm in Beijing

17. Wen Haibo

18. Liu Wei of Shunhe Law Firm in Beijing

19. Zhang Lihui of Beijing G&G (Giant and Goal) Firm in Beijing

20. Li Jinglin of Jiurui Firm in Beijing

21. Wei Liangyue of Jiaodian Firm in Heilongjiang

22. Yang Zaixin of Baijuming Law Firm in Guangxi

23. Sun Wenbing of Xinhe Law Firm

Most recently, sometime between July 2 July 8, these three brave lawyers were arrested for their efforts to defend Falun Gong practitioners:

24. Ruping Liu

25. Wang Ping

26. Wang Yonghang

Madam Speaker, the ruthless, despicable persecution against Falun Gong practitioners and other oppressed minorities must end and these brave prisoners of conscience must be released immediately.
