


This is supermarket. They are all over America. American people buy their food here.

This is the fruit section. This is an apple. Apples cost one dollar per pound. Today they are on sale. These are pears. What is this? This is an orange. This is watermelon. There are bananas. There are mushrooms. What is this? This is green pepper. What is this? This is cucumber. This is also cucumber. This is carrot. How much does carrot cost? It costs 69c per pound. There are bean sprouts. 79c per pound. What are there? They are green onions.

This is the bakery section. This is bread. There are muffins. There are bagels. This is meat section. What is this? This is ham. What is this?

This is chicken. How muc is a package? How much are they? 99c per pound. $5.33. This is beef. This is juice section. This is orange juice. How much is orange juice. Two for five dollars. This is yogurt. What are those? Those

are eggs. Two dollars and twenty-nine cents.


supermarket 超级市场

all over 遍布

food 食品

fruit 水果

section 部门



lb 磅 pound 的缩写

on sale 减价

watermelon 西瓜

mushrooms 蘑菇

green 绿

pepper 胡椒

green pepper 青椒

cucumber 黄瓜

carrot 胡萝卜


sprout 蚴芽

bean spout 豆芽

onion 洋葱

green onion 青葱

bakery 面包糕点饼干厂(铺)

bread 面包

muffin 松饼

bagel 面包圈


ham 火腿

package 包﹐ 包裹

beef 牛肉

juice 果汁

yogurt 酸奶


unit 单位

unit price 单价

ea 每 each的缩写


