

Souls Awakened


一九九九年十二月三十一日夜晚,小阎和一万多名大法弟子从各个方向自发汇集到天安门广场, 在广场上举行了一个抵制迫害法轮大法的和平集会。

大法弟子们几乎每个人都准备了或大或小的横幅, 在广场上展开——




















Dafa practitioners would manage to get together to share thoughts when necessary. In one gathering I met Yan, a Beijing fellow practitioner.

On the night of December 31, 1999, Yan, along with over ten thousand Dafa practitioners, spontaneously gathered in Tiananmen Square from all directions. They held a peaceful rally of resisting the persecution against Dafa in the square.

Almost each of the Dafa practitioners had prepared a banner small or big. They unfolded them in the square —

“Falun Dafa is Good!”

“China needs Falun Dafa!”

“The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance!”…

Tiananmen Square turned into a spectacular ocean of banners.

A large number of policemen fiercely struck at the Dafa practitioners with police batons.

The Dafa practitioners desperately protected their banners while enduring the fierce beating.

“That night, the policemen beat Dafa practitioners extremely frenziedly,” Yan said.

A policeman threw punches on Yan’s eyes, making her eyes swell for three months; he threw another punch on Yan’s nose, making blood surge out of her nose. When Yan was beaten to nearly fainting, a female practitioner rushed up to protect Yan with her body. The policeman immediately turned to beat her.

Yan was taken into the Tiananmen Police Station and was tormented with a torture named “Carrying a sword.”

“The torture made me so painful, for a moment I really felt like striking my head against the wall to kill myself,” Yan said.

The policemen summoned Yan’s husband to the police station, making him look at his wife suffering the torture. They thought he would ask his wife to give in.

Yet things turned out the opposite.

Yan’s husband, a usually timid and cowardly factory worker, loudly condemned the police abuse and encouraged his wife, “Stand firm! Don’t give in!” when he saw the brutal sight.

“I was really shaken and awed by my wife. She was so toughly enduring the torture even men couldn’t endure,” Yan’s husband said to me.

Even tortures couldn’t make Yan give in. Police had to release her.

Before, Yan’s husband opposed his wife going to Tiananmen Square. From then on, he approved of Dafa practitioners going to Tiananmen Square to peacefully petition for Dafa, and he began practicing Dafa too.

He said to me, “Some day, I’ll go to Tiananmen Square too.”

Yan’s eleven-year-old son, a little Dafa practitioner, said to me, “I want to go to Tiananmen Square too.”
