

Souls Awakened






On the third day of our arrival in Beijing, the two female fellow practitioners who had come with my sister and me set off for the National Appeals Office.

Since the persecution began, there had always been Dafa practitioners going to the National Appeals Office. But it was constantly closed. When it was not closed, there were police cars parked at its entrance and the policemen interrogating everyone walking toward the entrance, “Are you a Falun Gong adherent?” If the person said “Yes”, he would be instantly shoved into a police car and put in jail.

There were also Dafa practitioners who dashed directly into the office. The instant they stepped back out the policemen would shove them into the police cars. “No matter what you wrote for Falun Gong in the office, it’s useless! It’ll be thrown in the garbage right away! The Public Security Bureau has taken charge of the office!”

One of the two female fellow practitioners was a nurse. She told me she was very grateful to Dafa as Dafa had cured the illness torturing her for years. She said she must speak out a just word for Dafa, even if she would be imprisoned for that.
