

Souls Awakened


























In February 2000, my sister came to Guangzhou from Australia. She asked me if I wanted to go to Beijing with her. I said I did and immediately asked my college for two weeks off.

Two female fellow practitioners from my practice site got on the train to Beijing along with my sister and me.

I was scared throughout the journey lest the police would suddenly materialize.

Since the persecution began, the CCP had severely forbidden Dafa practitioners to go to Beijing. There were constantly plain-clothes in Guangzhou Railway Station and the bus stations, who would instantly abduct the Dafa practitioners going to Beijing.

Two days later the train arrived in Beijing at a glacial night.

As soon as I arrived in Beijing, I sensed that the air smelled of terror. I knew there were armed soldiers, policemen,

plain-clothes…penetrating this capital.

Some Beijing policemen had revealed to Dafa practitioners how they recognized Dafa practitioners amongst so many people; they said that Dafa practitioners’ eyes looked relatively kind and innocent.

Upon walking out of the terminal of Beijing Railroad Station, a fellow practitioner suddenly whispered, “We are being followed!” I felt a sense of alarm.

After wandering around the railway station square for a while, we didn’t detect any sign of being followed; then we walked to a nearby pay phone to call a Beijing fellow practitioner my sister knew.

He told us to meet in a Kentucky. So we got onto a bus.

When the bus got to Tiananmen Square, the door of the bus banged open and on jumped a policeman! I was alarmed!

“Going home after work?” the conductor asked the policeman. “Yes,” the policeman replied. I was relieved.

Upon getting off the bus we walked into a dark alley. Suddenly we saw a police car parked in front of us and the policeman in the car was glaring right at us! A dog suddenly barked loud! My sister let out a scream of alarm! My breath stopped with fear!

Eventually the policeman and the dog didn’t jump at us.

While getting near to the Kentucky, I saw a policeman standing inside the restaurant and was alarmed again, “Is he waiting for us?!” I soon saw clearly that it was the restaurant’s security guard in uniform.

When we had waited outside the restaurant for a few minutes, a car quietly pulled in toward us, Yo smiling at us from inside the car.

Yo, who was in his thirties, was the manager of a real estate company. When the persecution began, he petitioned for Dafa and thus was detained in a detention center.

He was just released then.

Yo’s wife, son, mother, and sisters were all Dafa practitioners.

Yo quietly drove us to his sister’s flat on the outskirts, cautioned us a few words and swiftly left. “Police don’t know here. No worries. Just keep your voices low.”

The flat was barely furnished; in the kitchen there was a box of half-eaten instant noodles, which, Yo told us later, was left by the Dafa practitioners who had stayed here when coming to Beijing to petition for Dafa.

Upon settling down swiftly, we took out our Zhuan Falun to read. With the reading, I no longer felt so scared, and my heart became much calmer.

When it came to eleven at night, a fellow practitioner said in a low voice, “The neighbors have all gone to bed. It might be dangerous only having our light on amidst the darkness around.” So we turned off the light and went to bed as well.

Though four of us squeezed onto a tiny, hard bed, I had the best sleep ever since July 20.
