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o 我能留言给他吗?
May I leave him a message?

o 我能帮您留言给他吗?
May I take a message?
= Could I tell him who is calling?
= Would you like to leave a message?

o 我今天晚一点再打来。
I will call again later today.

o 知道了!
I see.
= I got it!

o 好的!
= Sure
= Certainly
= 100% sure.

o 请问他几点回来?
What time do you expect his back?
= When will he come back?

o 你知道他何时会开完会吗?
Do you know when he will be out of his meeting?

o 让我查看一下他今天的行程表。
Let me check his schedule for the day.

o 你可以告诉他我有打电话来?
Could you tell him that I called?

o 他大约一小时后回办公室。
He will be back in office about an hour.

o 他没有专线,请拨总机。
He doesn’t have a direct line, please try our switchboard/operator.

o 我想如果您能留言或试着今天下午晚一点再打过来,会比较好。
I think that it would be better if you leave a message or try to call back this late afternoon.

o 他有你的行动电话号码吗?
Does he have your mobile number (=cell phone number)?

o 让我重复你的讯息,确认无误。
Let me repeat your message, just to confirm.

o 您的意思是指贵公司可以接受付款条件,对吗?
What are you saying is that you cab accept the payment term. Is that right?

o 我最好将它写下。
I’d better write it down.

o 汤玛斯先生,我可以寄一封简讯给罗斯,但是很抱歉我无法保证他能够及时收到。
Mr. Thomas, I can send Ross a message, but I am sorry that there’s no guarantee that he’ll get it in time.

o 我一定会转告他的。
I will be sure to pass the message to him.

o 你听得到吗?
Hello, can you hear me?

o 电话通讯不良,我再重拨。
We have a bad connection. Let me call you back.

o 不好意思,电话有杂音,请再说一次好吗?
Excuse me, there is some noise on the line. Could you repeat that, please?

o 听起来似乎你很沮丧,能告诉我发生什么事吗?
You seem upset. Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?

o 陈先生,这听起来很急,是吗?
This sounds urgent, Mr. Chen. Is it?

o 艾尔比女士,让我为您解决问题。我将打电话给本公司的工程师确认一、两件事情,然后马上回电给您。
Mrs. Elbe, let me save you the trouble. I will give our engineer a call and check one or two things. I’ll call you right back.

o 假如你需要协助,请让我知道。
If you need any help, just let me know.

o 让我试着总结我们今天的谈话内容。
Let me just try and summarize where we’ve got to.

o 感谢您的协助!
Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

o 我希望能够协助您,但是这已经超乎我的专业领域,所以我已经安排专家与您联系。
I’d like to be able to help, but it’s outside my professional area, so I’ve arranged for expert to contact you.

o 很抱歉造成您的不便。
I do apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused you.


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