

Souls Awakened












我在母亲耳边悄悄安慰她:“妈咪,别担心。我会出去的!” 母亲说:“如果真能这样就好了……”
















The forced labor camp continued looking for “a breach in the eggshell”.

One day, they suddenly called in my father, while they had said they wouldn’t let me see my family until I renounced Falun Gong.

Father barely talked to me when he came, just gabbed with the guard watching us at our side, “The weather is pretty good today!”

He didn’t even mention the words “Falun Gong”, and pretended he didn’t hear it every time the guard brought up the topic.

The guard finally lost her cool and reproached him, “You are not cooperating with us!”

Father said to her seriously, “My daughter has sacrificed so much for her belief; I haven’t the heart to blame her anymore. I just want to reprimand your persecution against her.”

When Father was called in the second time, the Sanshui chief said to him, “Yiwen Tang will be sent to the Study Class soon if she still refuses to renounce Falun Gong, where charges as expensive as several thousand Yuan per week, which you’re going to have to pay as her family.”

Father laughed mockingly, “Then you might as well shoot her! I don’t have so much money!”

The chief was dumbfounded.

Then they called in my mother. Mother nearly fainted with sorrow when she saw me having been tortured to such a bad shape.

She didn’t mention Falun Gong either, just silently sat beside me at the visiting room. I could see Father had taught her how to act before she came.

“Mom, don’t worry. I’m getting out!’’ I whispered in her ear comforting her. “That would be great if you could…”

The Sanshui chief sitting beside us couldn’t keep her cool anymore, “Since your mother is just a housewife, not capable of lecturing you, I’m giving you a lecture substituting for your mother!”

She thereupon started swearing at me hysterically in my mother’s presence.

Mother endured it silently, her eyes radiating indignation.

Then they called in my husband. He told me he once contemplated filing for divorce, but my father persuaded him that it could keep till I got out.

“But I can’t see any hope of you getting out since you are being so stubborn! If you want to hold down the marriage, you have to yield to the CCP!”

“I treasure our marriage. But I won’t yield to evil for holding down the marriage.” I said nothing further; big teardrops kept pouring down my cheeks like broken strings of pearls.

My husband gazed at me and silently shed tears.

Then a nearly two-decades-no-see high school classmate suddenly came to visit me.

He said he was working with the Maoming Public Security Department, knew by chance that I was here, and thus came to visit me out of friendship.

He slandered Dafa in front of me, told me to quickly renounce Dafa, get out and make big money, saying many of our high school classmates had made a fortune.

I had nothing to say in reply.

Back in high school, his desk was right behind mine in the classroom; now our choices of life were already heaven and earth apart.

Afterward my father told me, he was with the Maoming 610.
