

Factories Closing in Southern China


本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=145&a=5654(可线上观看)

Anchor: Global financial woes are taking their toll on China’s export-dependent economy.


For the first time since 2005, quarterly growth in China slipped into the single digits for the third quarter of 2008.


And earlier this year, Businessweek cited the Federation of Hong Kong Industries as saying 10 percent of factories in China’s Pearl River Delta manufacturing hub would close by the end of the year.



1. factory: n. 工厂

2. toll: n. 和缓的钟声

3. economy: n. 经济

4. quarterly growth: n. 季成长

5. digit :n. 数字

6. cite: v. 引用

7. hub: n. 中心

The factory closings are another blow to Chinese workers, who have had to deal with rising inflation and a string of natural disasters.


Earlier this month, a large-scale protest outside one closed factory in Guangdong Province made headlines around the world.


But with more factory-closings on the way, the worst is yet to come for Chinese workers.



8. blow: v. 吹、刮

9. inflation: n. 通货膨胀

10. disaster: n. 灾难

11. protest: n. 抗议

12. headline: n. 头条

