

For Cuban Surfers, Cooperation a Way of Life



1. exclusive: adj. 独特的

2. surfer: n. 冲浪者

3. contact: v. 接触

4. ethos: 风气

5. equipment: n. 设备

6. reign: v. 统治


It’s a small club, but not an exclusive one. It is made up of the 100 or so surfers in Cuba.


With no money and with little contact with the outside world, Cuban surfers have developed a cooperative ethos, sharing boards and equipment that once reigned among surfers around the globe.



7. foreign: adj. 国外的

8. polyurethane: n. 聚亚安酯

9. fiberglass: n. 玻璃纤维

10. resin: n. 树脂

They learned surfing the hard way, by imitating what they saw in foreign magazines and making boards anyway they could.


[Surfer Eduardo Nunez, Surfer]: “Back in the day, knowledge about making surfboards was scarce and we started experimenting with polyurethane foam from old refrigerators when old refrigerators were thrown out, and we used the fiberglass that’s used here and the resin.”

冲浪好手Eduardo Nunez说:“ 以前没什么人知道如何制作冲浪板,刚开始,有人丢掉旧冰箱,我们就用冰箱的聚酯安酯做,这里也有人用玻璃纤维,还有树脂。”


11. donate: v. 捐赠

12. solidarity:n. 团结

13. universe: n. 宇宙

14. cooperation: n. 合作

Now they ride the waves on secondhand surfboards donated by surfers in other countries, whose solidarity is keeping afloat one of the least known tribes in the surfing universe.


So far this year, Cubans have received 20 boards and another 40 are expected in coming months.


The boards are given out for free to the surfers, with one condition: no one can sell them. They can be shared, handed down or given away, but years of necessity taught Cuban surfers that things like cooperation can be more important than money.

这些冲浪板会免费送给爱好冲浪人士,但有一个条件:不得转售,只能分享、移交或转送,这些年来,古巴的冲浪人都学到了合作比金钱更重要的道理。(translated by Wen-Chi Liao)



