
Hundreds of flowers bloom in May. On the 13th, a holy person came down to the world. It is May 13th again. Falun Dafa has spread in the world for 15 whole years. During the last extraordinary 15 years, the light of ruthfulness Compassion Forbearance has transcended the boundaries among different cultures, races, religions, languages, and countries, and shined everywhere in the world. It opened the memories that had been sealed up in people minds from a long time ago, and reawakened the kind roots that people had in their hearts.
Since its public introduction in Mainland China in 1992, Falun Dafa has led people to return to kindness and improved people morality everywhere it went. People from all different ethnic and social backgrounds have benefited from Falun Dafa. In a modern society that is under a lot of pressure and faces all kinds of crises, the personal experiences of more than 100 million people prove that Falun Dafa has made a great deal of positive contribution to the society.
When Jiang Zemin and the evil Chinese Communist Regime first started to slander and persecute Falun Gong in 1999, many people were worried about whether Falun Gong would be able to withstand the persecution or not. Eight years later, people see that the one that faces imminent collapse is the Communist Party.
The cultivators of Falun Dafa have withstood immeasurable amount of sufferings, and made through eight years of cruel torture. They have used a lot of different methods to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the world people with a great deal of wisdom. Their sincerity, kindness, and determination have continuously melted away the ice in people hearts. People in Mainland China as well as people all over the world have not only seen through the Chinese Communist Party and the evilness of its persecution, they have also witnessed the beauty and power of righteous beliefs of ruthfulness Compassion Forbearance.
During the last eight years of storm and rain, Falun Dafa has not only refused to bend to the persecution, it has also spread from 30 countries in 1999 when the persecution first started to more than 80 countries in the world. The vast mighty virtues of the Buddha Fa and the boundless strength that people return to kindness contains have been fully displayed in the human world. The truth will clear away the lies, and righteousness will definitely defeat the evil. Under the inspiration of he Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party, tens of thousands of Chinese people are declaring their withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (as well as the Communist Youth League) on a daily basis. The Chinese Communist Party is drawing its last breaths while living under a state of terror and hopelessness.
Since the first orld Falun Dafa Day was held on May 13th of 2000, this day has become a day of celebration worldwide. Falun Dafa cultivators and supporters all over the world are using all kinds of methods to celebrate the auspicious occasion. From person to person, from heart to heart, under the strong pull of the truth of the Buddha Fa, more and more people are experiencing elevation in their bodies, mind and spirit as they return to their true selves.
The secular world is like a play that makes people feel confused and lost. People have been going through one life after another looking for answers. Where did we come from? Where are we going to go? Each being is playing a role in this giant play, and every being also has the opportunity to make his or her choice at this key moment in history. Between good and evil, conscience and fear, rationality and blind obedience, what is your choice?(http://www.dajiyuan.com)
