《中英对照读新闻》全球最贵松露 香港再度标到手

Hong Kong snares world's most expensive truffle again

人气 31

【大纪元11月14日讯】自由时报 ◎魏国金

An anonymous bidder in Hong Kong has snapped up what is expected to be the most expensive white truffle ever, paying 125,000 euros at auction for a 1.5 kilogramme whopper, sponsors said.

主办单位指出,香港的匿名出价人抢得预料是史上最贵的白松露,他在拍卖场上,以12万5千欧元(台币526万余元 )买下一个1.5公斤的巨大松露。

It was the second year in a row that a buyer from the southern Chinese city had snapped up the top item at the annual Worldwide Alba White Truffle Auction held in northern Italy.


Last year a consortium of investors paid 95,000 euros for a 1.2 kilogramme fungus. The Guinness Book of Records later confirmed it as the most valuable truffle bought at auction.

去年投资客集资9万5千欧元(台币4百万余元 ),买下这种1.2公斤的真菌植物。金氏世界纪录之后确认它是在拍卖中,最贵重的松露。

The winner this year outbid buyers from Paris, London and Grizane, in Italy, where the auction, now in its eighth year, is held.

今年的赢家出价胜过来自巴黎、伦敦与(克罗埃西亚 )格利桑的买家,在拍卖举办国意大利,如今是第8年举行。

As happened last year, the truffle will be cooked by chefs at Hong Kong’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel, which sponsors the city’s annual bid, and served to diners at a charity dinner.



snap up:争先恐后的抢夺、攫取。例句︰The shirts were soon snapped up.(那些衬衫很快的就被抢购一空。 )

in a row:连续、接连。例句︰He was elected chairman three times in a row.(它接连3次当选主席。 )

outbid:出价高于别人。outdo则是指优于、凌驾。例句︰He outdid himself.(他超越了自己。 )


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