
《中英对照读新闻》Eating out may encourage bingeing 外食可能助长暴饮暴食

【大纪元11月12日讯】自由时报 ◎郑寺音

Women tend to eat more calories and fat when dining out, regardless of what their usual eating habits are, new research suggests.


The study, which included both binge-eaters and dieters, found that both groups of women ate out frequently — and downed between 200 and 300 extra calories a day in the process.


Moreover, women who were prone to binge-eating problems often overindulged when eating out, according to findings published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research.


Many experts have pointed to Americans’ love of dining out as a potential reason for the nation’s ever-expanding waistline. Fast food, as well as the hefty portion sizes at restaurants in general, catch much of the blame.


Dieters and binge-eaters alike ate 200 to 300 extra calories, as well as 10 to 16 extra grams of fat, on days when they dined out.



binge︰动词/名词,狂饮、狂闹。例句:I tend to binge on chocolate when I’m watching TV.(看电视的时候,我常狂吃巧克力。 )

regardless of︰词组,不管;不顾。例句:Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.(他不顾危险地爬上了高塔。 )

down︰此处为动词,喝下;吞下。例句:He downed the medicine at one swallow.(他一口便把药全吞下了。 )
