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【大纪元12月6日讯】请散布此好消息﹗一个近70幅中国近代名家书画真迹展将在波士顿Ritz Carlton 大旅馆开幕﹐时间是9日至12日(周四至周日)一连展出四天独家收藏的名家宝物﹐历经四、五世代、文化大革命、 中日战争的劫数﹐保存至今实属难能可贵﹐其中包括齐白石、张大千、傅抱石、徐悲鸿、吴昌硕、李可染及弘一法师、清代慈禧太后、道光帝、袁世凯、康有为等51位的字画首度在波士顿展出﹐画展曾在澳洲、纽约、台湾等地展出﹐ 引起很大的轰动。请大家不要错过。现场有限量的(每幅画仅3幅)故宫博物院精工复制品、书画集册、名信片等义卖﹐购买圣诞佳礼良机不可失。

展览时间﹕9日 (周四)2﹕00PM–9﹕30PM﹐10日(周五)9﹕30AM-5﹕00PM﹐11日(周六)9﹕30AM–9﹕30PM﹐12日(周日) 9﹕30AM–9﹕30PM

展览地点﹕Ritz Carlton 近Boston Common 10 Avery Street Boston (新馆位于电影戏院隔壁)﹐近红线Park Street 和绿线Boylston 地铁站﹐步行3分钟可达。

门票﹕成人$10 (16岁以下免费﹐大专学生凭证、65岁耆老$6)另有团体票25人以上$8。



Exhibition of Private Collection of 19-20 Century Genuine Traditional Chinese Paintings &Calligraphy by Masters

Time: Dec.9 (Thru.)2:00PM—9:30PM;Dec.10 (Fri) 9:30AM–5:00PM;Dec.11(Sat.)9:30AM-

Location: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Boston Common

Washington Room, 10 Avery Street, Boston MA 02111

Tickets:Adult :$10( Free for 16&under), others $6(students must show ID ,seniors 65 and over),group rate $8 (25&more).

This exhibition includes 70 pieces of 51( almost all of the most well-known)
Chinese Painters of the past 100 years. It features paintings by China’s famous artists Qi Baishi,Zhang Daqian, Fu bao-shi ,one of his paintings sold in auction last year for about $2.5 million; and Xu Beihong, also displayed are many rare pieces painted by members of the royal family from China’s Qing Dynasty.All paintings belong to the President of Australia Chinese Cultural &art Association, Mr.Tony Dai, and his mother. The Dai’s Family has owned and cherished this collections for over 4 generations. Now this impressive collection is being opened to the public. The painting exhibition has been held in Austria 、Taiwan 、New York and It is first time come to Boston.

Please don’t miss this great opportunity。

中国艺术名家真迹展 受东西方各界盛赞