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衰伤的时刻 #降半旗 怎么说?
#善意谎言 是什么颜色?

另有2.98亿美元挹注到纽约大都会运输局(MTA)。到目前为止,来自美国交通部(USDOT)的联邦资金,总计已超过20亿美元,这是来自总额39亿美元的“新型冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全法”(Cares Act)的纾困方案。这对于保留必要人事异动至关重要并协助纽约市的地铁恢复。我们全力为纽约人民服务!

A New York City Mass Transit Authority (MTA) transit worker cleans a subway car at the Coney Island station in Brooklyn, New York on May 6, 2020. - The New York City subway system is being suspended between 1 AM and 5 AM EDT starting tonight so that trains may be cleaned to stop the spread of the coronavirus. (Photo by COREY SIPKIN / AFP) (Photo by COREY SIPKIN/AFP via Getty Images)
为让乘客安心搭乘,并防止病毒扩散,纽约地铁自2020年5月6日起,于凌晨1时至5时进行消毒工作。这是115年历史的纽约地铁首次定期关闭。图为布鲁克林区康尼岛站。(COREY SIPKIN/AFP via Getty Images)







● recovery,名词/rɪˈkʌv.ɚ.i/恢复健康
英解:the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury
例句:The doctor said she’d make a quick recovery.(医生说她很快就会康复。)
用法:If someone is in recovery, they are being given a course of treatment to help them recover from something such as a drug habit or mental illness.

● monument,名词/ˈmɑːn.jə.mənt/纪念碑
英解:a structure or building that is built to hono(u)r a special person or event
例句:This pillar is a monument to all those who died in the American Civil War.(这根纪念碑柱是悼念所有在美国内战/南北战争中丧生的人。)
用法:be a monument to sth(是…的成果),例:The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.(一年一度的艺术节展示了她广阔的视野和勤奋创作的成果。)

● half-staff,动词/ˌhæfˈstæf/降下半旗
英解:a flag that is at half-staff has been lowered to the middle of a pole, often in order to show respect for someone who has died
例句:When should the flag be flown at half staff?(什么时候应该降半旗?)
用法:又可以叫 half-mast,例:All national flags will fly at half-mast at home today. (所有自家置挂的国旗将在今天降下半旗。)

● spokesman,名词/ˈspəʊksmən/发言人
英解:someone who is chosen by a group or organization to speak officially to the public for them
例句:The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.(发言人从未直接回答记者的任何问题。)
用法:也可以用spokesperson,例:A government spokesperson made a statement to the press.(政府发言人在记者会发表了声明。)

● deflect,动词/dɪˈflekt/使…转向
英解:to (cause to) change direction, or to prevent something from being directed at you
例句:He deflected the ball away from the goal.(他把球挡出了球门外。)
用法:The committee is seeking to deflect criticism by blaming me.(委员会试图通过指责我来转移批评。)

● carnage,动词/ˈkɑːr.nɪdʒ/大屠杀
英解:the violent killing of large numbers of people, especially in war
例句:Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.(难民越过边境逃离来自家园的大屠杀。)

● disinformation,名词/ˌdɪsɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/假消息
英解:false information spread in order to deceive people
例句:It was a very plausible piece of disinformation.(这是一个非常合理的假消息。)
用法:类似单字:untruth, misinformation, fabrication, etc.

另外,white lie 为“善意谎言” ,例句:When the truth hurts , a little white lie can heal.(当真相造成伤害时,一个小的善意谎言可以平缓。)
其他口语上的“谎言”有:bullshit(BS), baloney, nonsense, bluff, etc

● propaganda,名词/ˌprɒpəˈɡændə/宣传、思想
英解:information, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence people’s opinions and beliefs
例句:At school we were fed communist propaganda.(就学期间,我们被强制灌输共产党的宣传/思想。)
用法:There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.(反对吸烟的宣传很多,促成许多人成功戒烟。)

● disgrace,名词/dɪsˈɡreɪs/不光彩的行为(丢脸)
英解:the loss of other people’s respect because of something bad that you have done
例句:Andrew behaved so badly on the school trip that he was sent home in disgrace early.
用法:可以当动词使用,例:No one can disgrace us but ourselves.(除了我们自己,没有人可以让我们丢脸。)

● plague,名词/pleɪɡ/瘟疫
英解:any serious disease that spreads quickly to a lot of people and usually ends in death
例句:The plague has spread over many states.(瘟疫已经扩散到许多州了。)
用法:当动词时,意思为“使折磨、困扰”,例:The fatigue has been plaguing me several months.


● 美国“纽约大都会运输局”(MTA)
全名 Metropolitan Transportation Authority,提供快慢速巴士、地铁、大纽约地区的区域铁路和营运纽约市许多收费桥梁和隧道。

● 美国交通部(USDOT)
全名 U.S. Department of Transportation,是美国联邦政府的交通行政部门。

● 《新冠病毒援助、救济和经济安全法》(CARES ACT)
全名 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,简称 CARES ACT。川普于2020年3月27日签署规模2.2兆美元($2.2 Trillion)的经济援助法案。(详细内容参:川普维生法案概要(The CARES ACT)经济援助看这里

● 纽约地铁
俗称 metro NYC,又称 NYC Subway。是美国纽约市拥有的地铁系统。


● 请问您有坐过哪些大众捷运或交通运输系统,试分享搭乘经验与整体感言?
● “降半旗”是个什么概念,请问您有相关体验吗?为什么要降半旗,它的起源又是什么呢?
● “共产主义的思想、宣传”似乎已经在潜意识中,窜流全世界的人类血液与想法。试着找出、讨论,您觉得日常周遭、意识形态、惯用语、或是想法当中,其实是蕴含着“共产主义思想的例子”。例如:我们常说的一句话:“人不为己,天诛地灭!”等。



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