

佛州甜玉米的产量和产值在全国的市场排名第一,在四月和五月出货量近780万板条箱。(摄影:Maks Narodenko 大纪元资料库)

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开始的时候,先将地整出一垄垄来,把番麦种子播下,覆以松土;经过泥土中水分和温热的催化作用,番麦发芽了。接着,予以适时的灌水和施肥,番麦便慢慢长高长大 ,由两片小小的嫩叶开始,慢慢长出株梗,长出剑状绿叶,等长到一人高左右,像一片高粱,一片蔗海,便开始结穗。果穗结在长叶的地方,外面有自己长的长须和叶荚 包裹保护着,慢慢长饱长熟……。

然后,番麦的香味便开始随风飘送了;由番麦田飘起,飘到农家,飘到市场,又飘到 各处人家;不管是生的混有泥土味的香味,是煮熟了和蒸汽直冒的香味,同样引人垂 涎。好喜爱吸闻!用力地吸气,深深地吸气,吸进乡土,吸进番麦的新鲜和香甜,哇!好香!好舒适!

当煮熟的番麦果穗被剥开叶荚,一股浓浓的喜悦便从心底直冲而出。除了和蒸汽同时 冒出的番麦香味而外,那一颗颗果穗上黄澄澄的果粒,如金珠,赛宝玉,盈满而饱熟,在“炙手可热”之际,边吹气边趁热吃,吃得津津有味,齿颊留香。是怎样一种至 高无尚的享受!

好喜爱番麦。它的株梗、剑状绿叶和果穗,就在眼前,尤其是果穗,更引人无限的遐 思……。

The Corn  Hsu ChiCheng

It’s the time of reaping the corn again. Oh, how lovely the corn!

An ear after an ear of corn plucked from the stem, pile into a pile and a pile, then load into the bag, transport…

In the very beginning, soil preparation into a ridge and a ridge in advance, sow of the seed of corn, cover the loose soil; the seed will send off bud after the germination of the moisture and warmth of the soil. And to watering and fertile in time, the corn will grow high and adult slowly, grows stem from two tender shoots, grows into sword-like green leaf, and bear ear while it’s tall as a man, like a piece of sorghum, like a piece of cane sugar sea. Ear bears on the place which grows leaf, parcels and safeguards with long tassel and blade outside, grows into full and mature…

Then fragrance of corn will start to waft follows the wind, wafts from corn field, to peasant family, to market, once more wafts to families everywhere; no matter the uncooked fragrance mingle with soil, or the fragrance which cooked and steam send out ceaseless, slave everyone as the same. How like to inhale it! Inhale expertly self, inhale deeply, inhale native land, inhales the fresh and fragrance, wow, how fragrance it is! How comfortable it is!

A band of thick joy will push from the bottom of the heart while the blade of the ear of corn is peeled. Besides fragrance send out with stream the same time, the yellow grain one after another juts like golden pearl, gem, full and mature, at the time of “burning to the touch”, we take advantage of steam to eat, to eat with appetite and relish, fragrance remain in mouth still. What a kind of highest enjoyment!

I like corn, the stem. Blade green leaf and ear appear before my eyes, especial the ear, let me lost in reverie…@


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