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I Prefer to be the Spring  Hsu ChiCheng

I prefer to be the spring, incessantly, grow and multiply without end, limpid, neat and tidy, sweet, at ease…
Spring, it has the source, it has the foundation, it has the capital, it has the power, flowing incessantly the water, rich as the air and ground, endless it holds in store, grow and multiply without end, inexhaustible…I prefer to be the spring full of vim and vigour, give out vitality!
Spring, it flows incessantly. It certainly must be neat and tidy. Only the water no flow will be foul, the flowing water will be neat and tidy naturally. Spring, neat and tidy, joyous to people, likes a gracefully white goose, likes a delicate and pretty girl in white clothing. I prefer to be the spring neat and tidy.
Spring, it’s sweet. It crops out from the ground of the mountain, no polluted at all, neat and tidy, and is more sweet for drink, especially to the most extreme thirsty, it all without exception offers superior beverage for people every hour and moment, it’s sweet as honey with relish while it’s get into mouth. I prefer to be spring of the sweet drink!
Spring, it’s free and at ease. It always sings song in one side, offers good song to share with other people, and appreciates the beautiful scene in one side to obtain happy. Thus a leisure and free, thus an easy and leisure, is the only one all over the world. I want to be the spring free and at easy!
I prefer to be the spring, incessantly, grow and multiply without end, limpid, neat and tidy, sweet, at ease…
I prefer to be the spring! @


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