




是一根根草编织成的。随着冬去春来,它由枯黄慢慢转成浅绿,然后慢慢转成深绿, 转成浓绿,现在已经全然是浓绿茸茸的一块绿毯了。它竟会随着季节的变化而转绿加 深加浓。是一块魔毯吧!

是的,它是一块魔毯!何止色彩随着季节的变化而转绿加深加浓而已?看它的柔软性 吧!它的柔软性也已经全然改变了,慢慢地,一秒一分地,一日一月地,现在已柔软 得像席梦思了。


躺下去吧!躺下去,它会长出双翅,载我飞行,飞行到春的深处,去遨游……。是爱 丽丝梦游幻境?是南柯一梦?都没关系。都可以。反正是春的精灵在引领我。我有无 限欣喜。

躺下去吧!它多像一片深绿浓绿的大海!躺下去,它会化成一艘船,在大海中摇荡, 摇荡成小时的摇篮,摇呀摇,荡呀荡,摇荡到母亲怀抱,摇荡到天使乐园……。

春天来了。这一块绿毯幻化着,不仅是色彩转绿加深加浓,不仅是柔软度……啊,它 是一块绿毯!

This Patch of Carpet     Hsu ChiCheng

The spring is here. I view this patch of green carpet once again.

I miss this carpet for a long time. It’s more than one year count on my fingers.

It’s woven by the grass one and one. Accompany with the winter gone and spring come, it becomes light green from wither slowly, then turns into deep green, turns into thick green, and now it’s a green carpet with glossy and green. It’s follows the season turn into dense green. May it be a magic carpet!

Yes, it’s a magic carpet! Is it only the colour follow the season to turn into greener and thicken? May try to look the character of soft of it! Its character of soft is change at all also, for one minute after one second, one year after one day, it changes slowly, to now its soft is like a patch of simmons.

I do want to lay down on it! It summons me with the deep green and thick green, lures me with the character of soft. How much I want to lay down!

Lay down! Lay down, it will grow wings and carry me to fly, fly to the depth of the spring, to take a tour… Is it Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Or is it a dream of Nan Ke? Never mind. It’s all right. Any how it’s the goblin of the spring leads me. I’m joyful limitless.

Lay down! How much it likes a stretch of sea! Lay down, it will turn into a boat sways in the ocean, sways into a cradle, sways and swings, sways and swings to the breast of my mother, swags and swings to paradise of the angel…

Spring is come. This patch of green carpet is changing miraculously, not only the colour turns green and deeper thicker, not only its character …oh, it’s a magic green carpet!@
