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鸡啼了。夜去了。早晨来了。所有的黑暗尽去。光明已经降临大地。所有的污浊已经尽去。到处是一片清新。所有的疲惫已经尽去。万物苏醒过来了,充满了活力。所有的忧伤已经尽去。欣悦充满各处,充满万物的脸上、心内。啊,在早晨里,有多少光 明,多少清新,多少欣悦!


Vernal Morning     Hsu ChiCheng

The spring is the best season of a year. The morning is the best moment of a day. They both are praised and welcomed by the people. Vernal morning is the best moment of a day of the best season, of course, it’s nothing to say that it’s praised and welcomed extremely by the people.
The weather is warm in the spring. The sun always sprinkles a scene of brilliance. The spring thunder is sounded, insect is awakened, come out from the hole one after another the hibernated animals, the mole, frog, insect and serpent etc. The river water is rose. The grass greened at their best, like a scene of green fire burning, and burning continuously. The tree is green, green toward the azure, green toward the top of the tree. Complicated flowers are opened fiercely, like in contend who is the most beautiful, open to be delicate and charming the most, open to be fragrance the most , and the birds, the insects singing their best, also contend whose sound is the best to listen, whose sound is the loudest…
The cock is crowed. The night is gone. The morning is come. Whole the dark is gone. The brilliance is fallen on the earth. Whole the dirty is gone. There is fresh everywhere. Whole the tired is gone. Ten thousands of things are awakened, full of vitality. There gone whole the sad. There fills everywhere the pleasure, and also the face, the inner of heart. Oh, in the morning, how many brilliant is here, how many fresh is here, how many pleasure is here!@


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