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Get Together with spring      Hsu chiCheng

The spring has come. I get together with spring.
Get together with spring, all ugly are vanished, all are beautiful; all trouble are vanished, all are in a calm state of mind; all uneasy are vanished, all are peace; all evil are vanished, all are pure…
In the spring, grass and tree are flourishing, compare with each other, who is the more vernal, who is the greener, who is the taller. Get together with spring, I enjoy these verdant and green, these flourishing.
In the spring, all flowers compare to blossom, present thousand of colour, present all beauty,, adorn the earth into scenery me. Get together with spring, I enjoy these thousand of colour, these beauty these scenery me.
In the spring, the insects and birds fully display their singing, sing their best, sing out their pleasant, the wind tune. Get together with spring, I enjoy these song, these pleasant.
In the spring, the breeze touches on the body of the people, the warm sunshine touches on the body of the people, presents the cozy, warmth and brilliance. Get together with spring, I enjoy these breeze, these warm sunshine, these cozy, these warmth, these brilliance.
In the spring, all are revive, all are brace themselves up, all are pleasant, all are vivid. Get together with spring, I enjoy these revive, these brace up, these pleasant, these vivid.
Spring has come. I get together with spring.
Get together with spring, there’s but fully spring, not the hot summer, desolate autumn and chill winter.@


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